


staff walks the Rose at The of , a day it opens to the , in , , July 8, 2021. /Henry

to now have the to the Queens , as the Queen has up the to the for the very first time.


The royal have huge in the past year of the in and , and it is hoped that the will boost the of into the .


In April tour the went on sale, “” . For £16.50 per adult or £42 for a of up to three , they a to enjoy the “ and calm of this oasis”.


were also a “ to on the lawn”.



sit in The of , a day it opens to the , in , , July 8, 2021. /Henry

, the a of on , with some about how much was .


A noted you had to pay an extra £6.50 for a tour of the rose and , and this to be in .


One wrote: “ has its to the for the first time this year – it ’t have .


For your £16.50, you gain to a large lawn with one . We the to be , but it was .


herbaceous [hɜːˈbeɪʃəs]: adj. 草本的;绿色的

The () more parts of the were roped off and only if you with yet more cash on a ‘tour’.


Save your money and instead enjoy the much more interesting public royal parks – for free.”



A walks past the at the The of , a day it opens to the , in , , July 8, 2021. /Henry

A added: “ of this !


I paid £16.50 for to the only to lazy , see and trees and what I was first a long queue to check and then a piece of lawn by your every step and ropes rest of the .


This small of the park that you have to is in 10 and is to see there.


You can’t even sit on the lake’s bank to watch of those ropes . I am very and by the .


any other park to visit and you will save your hard earn and spent time in much .”


A third : “ are a waste of time and money. Large were off.


Takes less than one hour to get around. Also expensive coffee and cake.”



