【中日双语】高温干旱威胁生态 与生存环境搏斗

【中日双语】高温干旱威胁生态 与生存环境搏斗

The IPCC notes that there have been in high , both on land and in the seas; in rain; in ; and in to . And these have hit the more than the rest of the world. In the 2010s by , and was 15 times in than in the least .


is to which see in all parts of the world. of food and that can be on and have in and Latin .


The of the which has the mean 1.1-1.3°C above its value can be seen the world. They , the they grow for food and , and the rest of the world. The in the of the and notes that half of the have at in this are , or both, to cool down ( it does admit there may be some bias here).


Some are or their to adapt. Coral reefs, , and polar and are all up “hard ”. For , at 1.5°C of the the of and at very high risk of may be as great as 14%.


Human , too, may prove to have hard . There are of heat and that make life . At 100% , above 35°C they cool down by .


Extreme global temperatures are pushing the human body “close to thermal limits”, according to a climate scientist.


heat has swept this week with 40C in a of .


, in such as South Asia and the Gulf, are up to 54C.


all the bodys , these areas could soon be , to Dr Tom in The .

拉夫堡大学气候科学家汤姆·马修斯博士在The Conversation网站上说,尽管人体的热效率很高,但这些区域可能很快就不宜居住了。

When air 35C, the body on to keep core at a safe level. , when the “wet bulb” – which the of to – 35C, this no works.


“The wet bulb the of water from the , and so is much lower than the (“dry bulb”) in ,” Dr wrote.


“Once this wet bulb is , the air is so full of water that sweat no ,” he said.


This means the human body cool to more than a few hours.


“ the means to heat, our core rises, of how much water we drink, how much shade we seek, or how much rest we take,” he .


Some areas – which are among the most on Earth – could pass this by the end of the , to Dr .


With to alter , could soon make parts of the world .


If can be , in may be but a power could be .


In a paper in , Dr and his team at the of a “grey swan” event in the case of heat with .


Mega . found that hot a with no could have .


“We at , which have the on Earth, with the power in Rico after Maria among the most ,” Dr wrote.


“We found that as the warms, it ever more that these would be by heat, and that such would be every year if 4C.


“ the to a , cool would have to be as much a as clean water.”


are to see the in and they are often the least to deal with the . This could drive mass , which would make heat a issue – even for that are not .


Dr wrote: “The ahead are stark. has its . We must our on heat and a , gas to keep to the Paris .


“In this way, we have the of heat – home and .”

