刘浩林 X 陈佳宇
《Seek 100 》 live
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九宫阁艺术陈设创办人北大燕园明德 陈设艺术研究院院长北京城市学院 艺术设计系研究生导师
Theme sharing of Don Talk about Design Tonight
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Full of dry goods, we had a great
Live interaction issues
Q1:In your , what is the the boss and in terms of work and life? Can it truly into a a and an , as well as a ?
A1:It is into a stage and a stage. The stage is to the and focus more on . In the early of , the boss. To give more play to the role of a , it was more like with the a and a few guns and . At that time, to use , or as a bond. At this time, it was a or a , it could only be to the stage. In the stage of the s , a team of more than 20 had and rules. My is to being a and doing , that is, doing must be . And don mix when doing . Doing is doing , being a is being a . In life, it can be , but in work, it is the . Only in this way can the boss take the lead in with the s rules, which can form a and a team with rules. In the later of , needs to be . It is to deal with being a and doing in this way, and then it is the boss and , or . In work, we work, and in life, there be . Due to , it is to play well with , and we focus on the big and let go of the small. For , most often with in work, and they will also have in life.
Q2:After three years of the of the , I that your has its . How did you it at that time?
A2: are a in the . It is not a of the , but some in the chain. At this time, we for three and for three . Will there be a in this , but after three , the trend in this will be a . Based on the needs of , I have some to to fight , and . , due to their with the s , I that some teams do not and have . We are also doing it. Our who used to stick him find a job and even some . Also, has some . , I am very that has the Nine .
Q3:After years of deep in the , what is the most thing this has you?
A3: are a that to the . They use our and to serve , and they tend to be more . , they more , and from the of this , they still to this . Doing is a happy , with and every day, and this space, and feel happy their own . I think it is the most and , to enjoy a life, the space more , and to their own space . space can make his , space can make his life , make his space more , and real can make his area more of the of this . , in the past 15 years of in the , the most thing is , which is to bring a sense of to .
Moderators speech
In our with Liu , we into the core of , , and , how to use to a brand image, how to user with , how to and teams in , and how to love and love. will bring a of case to share his and in the and . The live of Don Talk about has us many and . It is of great for both our work and life. Thank you to the for their and the s , which made this live full of and . I hope we can apply what we have to and in our field!
Seek 100
In order to and among , brand , and , and the of the , and to build the most and for the three by on , brand new , etc., ALUM the " for 100 ". This event aims to and in the , such as , , , and study tours for types of ideas . At the same time, it a , brand , and , and from , and a for , co , and in the . In the , the of " for 100 " will bring more live with to . to pay to the " for 100 " .