Dear : 亲爱的女儿: As we drove off from , I to write a to you to tell you all that is on my mind.当我们开车驶出哥伦比亚大学的时候,我想写一封信给你,告诉你盘旋在我脑中的想法。 First, I want to tell you how proud we are. into is a real of what a great you are. Your , , and have truly in the last few years. it is the grade in , your , your shoes, or one of the top in Model , you have a and young woman. You be as proud of as we are.首先,我想告诉你我们为你感到特别骄傲。进入哥伦比亚大学证明你是一个全面发展的优秀学生,你的学业、艺术和社交技能最近都有卓越的表现,无论是你在微积分上得了*高分,完成自己典雅的时尚的设计,成功卖出绘制的跑鞋,还是在“模拟联合国”演说中成为表现最突出的人之一,你毫无疑问已经是一个多才多艺的女孩。你的父母为你感到骄傲,你也应该像我们一样为自己感到自豪。 I will the first I held you in my arms. I felt a that my heart. It was an I will have. It must be that " " which will bind us for life. I will you while I you to sleep. When I put you down, it was with both (she fell !) and ( I could hold you ). And I will you to the , and you so much fun. You were so cute and , and that is why loved you so.我会永远记得靠前次将你抱在臂弯的那一刻,一种新鲜激动的感觉瞬间触动了我的心,那是一种永远让我陶醉的感觉,就是那种将我们的一生都联结在一起的“父女情结”。我也常常想起我唱着催眠曲轻摇你入睡,当我把你放下的时候,常常觉得既解脱又惋惜,一方面我想,她终于睡着了!另一方面,我又多么希望自己可以多抱你一会儿。我还记得带你到运动场,看着你玩得那么开心,你是那样可爱,所有人都非常爱你。 You have been a great kid ever since you were born, quiet, , , and . You were three when we built our house. I you us every for more than ten hours a day to get . You put up with that a fuss, ate every meal in the car, sang with until you fell . When you went to , you hard even it was no fun for you. I how lucky we are as to have a like you.你不但长得可爱,而且是个特别乖巧的孩子。你从不吵闹、为人着想,既听话又有礼貌。当你三岁我们建房子的时候,每个周末十多个小时你都静静地跟着我们去运建筑材料,三餐在车上吃着汉堡,唱着儿歌,唱累了就睡觉,一点都不娇气不抱怨。你去上周日的中文学习班时,尽管一点也不觉得有趣,却依然很努力。我们做父母的能有像你这样的女儿真的感到非常幸运。 You have been an elder . Even you two had your share of , the last few years you have best . Your loves you so much, and she loves to make you laugh. She looks up to you, and sees you as her role model. As you saw when we , she you so much. And I know that you miss her just as much. There is like , and other than your , your is the one who you can trust and in. She will be the one to take care of you, and the one you must take care of. There is we wish more than that your will to bond as you grow older, and that you will take care of each other your lives. For the next four years, do have a short video chat with her every few days, and do email her when you have a .
你也是个很好的姐姐。虽然你们姐妹以前也会打架,但是长大后,你们真的成为了好朋友。妹妹很爱你,很喜欢逗你笑,她把你当成她的榜样看待。我们开车离开哥大后,她非常想你,我知道你也很想她。世界上最宝贵的就是家人。和父母一样,妹妹就是你最可以信任的人。随着年龄的增长,你们姐妹之间的情谊不变,你们互相照应,彼此关心,这就是我最希望见到的事情了。在你的大学四年,有空时你一定要常常跟妹妹视频聊聊天,写写电子邮件。 will be the most years in your life. It is in that you will truly what is about. You often "what good is this ". I you to be , but I also want to tell you: " is what you have left after all that is is ." What I mean by that is the isn't as as you the to learn a new , and the to a new . That is what in is about – this will be the where you go from to , after which you must . So do take each , and even if what you learn isn't for your life, the of will be you .大学将是你人生最重要的时光,在大学里你会发现学习的真谛。你以前经常会问到 “这个课程有什么用”,这是个好问题,但是我希望你理解:“教育的真谛就是当你忘记一切所学到的东西之后所剩下的东西。”我的意思是,最重要的不是你学到的具体的知识,而是你学习新事物和解决新问题的能力。这才是大学学习的真正意义——这将是你从被动学习转向自主学习的阶段,之后你会变成一个很好的自学者。所以,即便你所学的不是生活里所急需的,也要认真看待大学里的每一门功课,就算学习的技能你会忘记,学习的能力是你将受用终身的。 Do not fall into the trap of dogma. There is no to any . your high class, I asked you to take on the side that you don't in? I did that for a -- "black and white", and there are many ways to look at a . You will a if you that. This is " ", and it is the most skill you need for your life. This also means you need to and of . I will when I went to my Ph.D. and a new topic. He said "I don't agree with you, but I'll you." After the years, I have this isn't just , it is of , and an style of , and it has a part of me. I hope it will a part of you too.不要被教条所束缚,任何问题都没有一个唯一的简单的答案。还记得当我帮助你高中的辩论课程时,我总是让你站在你不认可的那一方来辩论吗?我这么做的理由就是希望你能够理解:看待一个问题不应该非黑即白,而是有很多方法和角度。当你意识到这点的时候,你就会成为一个很好的解决问题者。这就是“批判的思维”——你的一生都会需要的最重要的思考方式,这也意味着你还需要包容和支持不同于你的其他观点。我永远记得我去找我的博士导师提出了一个新论题,他告诉我:“我不同意你,但我支持你。”多年后,我认识到这不仅仅是包容,而是一种批判式思考,更是令人折服的领导风格,现在这也变成了我的一部分。我希望这也能成为你的一部分。 your in . Take you think you will enjoy. Don't be in what think or say. Steve Jobs says when you are in , your will many dots, and later in your life you will them. In his great given at , he gave the great where he took , and a later, it the basis of the fonts, which later , and tools like Word to our lives. His into was a dot, and the the line. So don't worry too much about what job you will have, and don't be too , and if you like or , go for it, even if your dad "it's not " : ) Enjoy your dots, and be one day you will find your , and a curve the dots.
在大学里你要追随自己的激情和兴趣,选你感兴趣的课程,不要困扰于别人怎么说或怎么想。史蒂夫乔布斯曾经说过,在大学里你的热情会创造出很多点,在你随后的生命中你会把这些点串联起来。在他着名的斯坦福毕业典礼演讲中,他举了一个很好的例子:他在大学里修了看似毫无用处的书法,而十年后,这成了苹果里漂亮字库的基础,而因为有这么好的字库,才带来了桌面出版和今天的办公软件(例如微软)。他对书法的探索就是一个点,而苹果把多个点联结成了一条线。所以不要太担心将来你要做什么样的工作,也不要太急功近利。假如你喜欢日语或韩语,就去学吧,即使你爸爸曾认为那没什么用:)尽兴地选择你的点吧,要有信念有一天机缘来临时,你会找到自己的人生使命,画出一条美丽的曲线。 Do your best in , but don't let get to you. Your and I have no for your . If you and learn in your four years, we would feel happy. Your will take you far, even if you don't with . So don't give . your last few in high , you were so happy there was and are . But in the past few weeks, we saw you are to worry (did you know you bite your nails when you are ?). don't be . The only thing that is that you . The only you use is that you tried. are just silly that give the vain to brag, and the lazy to fear. You are too good to be .在功课上要尽力,但不要给自己太多压力。你妈妈和我在成绩上对你没什么要求,只要你能顺利毕业并在这四年里学到了些东西,我们就会很高兴了。即便你毕业时没有获得优异的成绩,你的哥伦比亚学位也将带你走得很远。所以别给自己压力。在你高中生活的最后几个月,因为压力比较小,大学申请也结束了,你过得很开心,但是在最近的几个星期,你好像开始紧张起来。(你注意到你紧张时会咬指甲吗?)千万别担心,最重要的是你在学习,你需要的唯一衡量是你的努力程度。成绩只不过是虚荣的人用以吹嘘和慵懒的人所恐惧的无聊数字而已,而你既不虚荣也不慵懒。 Most , make and be happy. are often the best in life, you are to them than to your . Also, going and is a . Pick a few and close to them – pick the ones who are and to you. Don't worry about their , , looks, or even . You have some real in high in your last two years, so trust your , and make new . You are a and – would enjoy being your , so be , , and . If you think you like , tell her. You have very to lose. Give the of the doubt; don't and be . are not , so as long as they are and , trust them and be good to them. They will give back. This is my of – that I am with and trust them ( they do to lose my trust). Some tell me that I would be taken of. They are right, but I can tell you that that loss is to what I . In my last 18 years , I have that only one thing – to gain the trust and of , and to do so, you need to trust and first. it is for , work, or , this is you .最重要的是在大学里你要交一些朋友,快乐生活。大学的朋友往往是生命中较好的朋友,因为在大学里你和朋友能够近距离交往。另外,在一块儿成长,一起*,很自然地你们就会紧紧地系在一起,成为密友。你应该挑选一些真诚诚恳的朋友,跟他们亲近,别在乎他们的爱好、成绩、外表甚至性格。你在高中的最后两年已经交到了一些真正的朋友,所以尽可以相信自己的直觉,再交一些新朋友吧。你是一个真诚的人,任何人都会喜欢跟你做朋友的,所以要自信、外向、主动一点,如果你喜欢某人,就告诉她,就算她拒绝了,你也没有损失什么。以最大的善意去对人,不要有成见,要宽容。人无完人,只要他们很真诚,就信任他们,对他们友善。他们将给你相同的回报,这是我成功的秘密——我以诚待人,信任他人(除非他们做了失信于我的事)。有人告诉这样有时我会被占便宜,他们是对的,但是我可以告诉你:以诚待人让我得到的远远超过我失去的。在我做管理的18年里,我学到一件很重要的事——要想得到他人的信任和尊重,只有先去信任和尊重他人。无论是管理、工作、交友,这点都值得你参考。 Do keep your high , and stay to them, but do not use them as for , and do not spend too much time with them, that would eat into your time to make new .要和你高中时代的朋友保持联系,但是不要用他们来取代大学的友谊,也不要把全部的时间都花在老朋友身上,因为那样你就会失去交新朋友的机会了。 Start for your early – what would you like to do? Where would you like to live? What would you like to learn? What have you in that might your mind? I think your plan of is good, and you where you want to be, and get into the right . We of hope you come back to , but you go where you think is best for you.你还要早点开始规划你的暑假——你想做什么?你想呆在哪儿?你想学点什么?你在大学里学习是否会让你有新的打算?我觉得你学习艺术设计的计划很不错,你应该想好你该去哪儿学习相应的课程。我们当然希望你回到北京,但是最终的决定是你的。 it is , or , or a major, or your time, you take of your life. In the past, I have you quite a bit, it is in , your , or the . I will be there for you, but the time has come for you to be in the 's seat – this is your life, and you need to be in . I will the in my life – that I got to to skip , that I got to to to major, that I got to to leave for Apple, that I got to to go to China, that I got to to go to , and most , that I got to to start my own . Being able to means you get to live the life that you want to. Life is too short to live the life do or want you. Being in feels great. Try it, and you'll love it!不管是暑假计划,功课规划,抑或是选专业,管理时间,你都应该负责你的人生。过去不管是申请学校、设计课外活动或者选择最初的课程,我都从旁帮助了你不少。以后,我仍然会一直站你身旁,但是现在是你自己掌舵的时候了。我常常记起我生命中那些令人振奋的时刻——在幼儿园决定跳级,决定转到计算机科学专业,决定离开学术界选择Apple,决定回中国,决定选择,乃至最近选择创办我的新公司。有能力进行选择意味着你会过上自己想要的生活。生命太短暂了,你不能过别人想要你过的生活。掌控自己的生命是很棒的感觉,试试吧,你会爱上它的! I told your mom I'm this , and asked what she me to say. She and said: "just ask her to take care of ." but – that is how your is, and that is why you love her so much. In this is her hope that you will in the way you take care of – that you will to take your , that you will get sleep, that you will have a diet, that you will get some , and that you will go see a you don't feel good. An says that the most thing to be nice to your is to take care of . This is your love you so much, and that if you are well, they will have . You will this one day when you a . But in the , to your and take care of .我告诉你妈妈我在写这封信,问她有什么想对你说的,她想了想,说“让她好好照顾自己”,很简单却饱含着真切的关心——这一向是你深爱的妈妈的特点。这短短的一句话,是她想提醒你很多事情,比如要记得自己按时吃药,好好睡觉,保持健康的饮食,适量运动,不舒服的时候要去看医生等等。中国有句古语,说“身体发肤,受之父母,不敢毁伤,孝之始也”。这句话的意思用比较新的方法诠释就是说:父母最爱的就是你,所以照顾好自己就是孝顺较好的方法。当你成为母亲的那天,你就会理解这些。在那天之前,听妈妈的,你一定要好好照顾自己。 is the four years where you have: the of free time大学是你自由时间较多的四年。 the first to be 大学是你靠前次学会*的四年。 the most to 大学是可塑性最强的四年。 the risk for 大学是犯错代价最低的四年。 So your years – make the best of your free time, an in of your , into a , be bold to , learn and grow your and .所以,珍惜你的大学时光吧,好好利用你的空闲时间,成为掌握自己命运的*思考者,发展自己的多元化才能,大胆地去尝试,通过不断的成功和挑战来学习和成长,成为融汇中西的人才。 When I faced the and in my life in 2005, you gave me a big hug and said "bonne ", which means "good luck" and "good ". Now I do the same for you. Bonne , my angel and . May the four years in your life, and may you into just what you dream to be.当我在2005年面对人生最大的挑战时,你给了我大大的拥抱,还跟我说了一句法语“bonne ”。这句话代表“祝你勇敢,祝你好运!”现在,我也想跟你说同样的话,bonne ,我的天使和公主,希望哥伦比亚成为你一生中最快乐的四年,希望你成为你梦想成为的人! Love, 爱你的, Dad (& Mom) 爸爸(和妈妈)