DJ刘薇的微博,音乐潮流探测器 | 被AI点赞的混音神曲,你听了吗?一周电音盘点,精彩不止是热点追踪!


Could AI replace your favourite singer?

DJ刘薇的微博,音乐潮流探测器 | 被AI点赞的混音神曲,你听了吗?一周电音盘点,精彩不止是热点追踪!


AI music has been with users songs that of such as , , and Lamar.

一个名为 " "的在线创作者制作了歌曲 《Heart on My 》 ,其中有 Drake the 的克隆声音。在环球音乐集团成功申请将其删除之前,这首歌在 的播放量超过60万次,在 的播放量 达到 1500万次。他们表示,这首歌 "侵犯了用生成性人工智能创造的内容"。

An named ‘’ made the song ‘Heart on My ’, the of Drake and the . It to rack up over 600,000 and 15 views, Music Group for it to be taken down. They that the song ‘ with AI’.


Some are happy to AI and want to use it to their music.

DJ David Guetta告诉BBC,他 "确信音乐的未来包含人工智能......但是作为一种工具"。

DJ David Guetta told the BBC that he is "sure the future of music is in AI…but as a tool".

Sting认为,"在未来的几年里,将有一场我们都必须要打的仗:捍卫我们的人力资本对抗人工智能"。他敦促艺术家们保持警惕,说 "这些工具很有用,但我们必须驾驭它们"。

Sting that there’s "going to be a we all have to fight in the next of years: our human AI". He urged to be wary "the tools are , but we have to drive them".

歌手似乎对引入人工智能音乐充满热情,《滚石》杂志报道说,她说人们应该 "自由地使用她的声音而不受惩罚",她将 "对任何成功的人工智能生成的使用她声音的歌曲分享50%的版税"。

seems about the of AI music, with Stone that she said "feel free to use her voice " and that she’ll "split 50 on any AI song that uses her voice".


2、小美人鱼 2023 演员表示迪士尼电影的多样性太棒了

2023 cast say film's is ''

DJ刘薇的微博,音乐潮流探测器 | 被AI点赞的混音神曲,你听了吗?一周电音盘点,精彩不止是热点追踪!


You'll know, to media posts or , that main Ariel is by black and Halle .

但2023年的《小美人鱼》中的多样性 不仅仅 是她的角色-- Ariel的六个姐妹都是由来自不同种族的演员扮演。

But diversity in 2023's Little Mermaid goes beyond her character - Ariel's six sisters are all played by actors from different ethnicities.

而当BBC 采访哈莉时,这是她想要庆祝的事情。

And when BBC to Halle, it's she wants to .


"I am I get to for this new ," she says.

自从哈莉被指定为新的Ariel后,快乐 的感觉一直围绕着 她。

Joy is a that's Halle since she was as the new Ariel.

这部电影的 预告片 在短短五天内被观看了900万次,互联网上 充斥着 年轻女孩看到像她们一样的迪士尼明星而兴奋的视频。

The movie's was 9 times in just five days and the was with of young girls to see a star that like them.



UK net migration hits record high of 606,000

DJ刘薇的微博,音乐潮流探测器 | 被AI点赞的混音神曲,你听了吗?一周电音盘点,精彩不止是热点追踪!

苏纳克(Rishi Sunak)表示,在数据证实去年的水平 达到了新的历史高点 后,净移民率太高。

Net is too high, Rishi Sunak has said, after data hit a new high last year.


saw the 's by 606,000 in 2022, to the for (ONS).


The PM said to visa rules for which were put in place this week were "" and would bring down over time.

为了推动 净移民的减少,从明年开始,只有那些参加研究生研究项目的人能够把他们的家人带到英国。

In a bid to drive down net , from next year, only those on will be able to bring their to the UK.

周四,国家统计局表示,在2022年来到英国的925,000名非欧盟国家国民中,近40%是持学生签证来的--但它补充说,学生 "通常 "不会长期逗留,大多数人在课程结束后离开。

On , the ONS said that of the 925,000 who came to the UK in 2022, 40% on visas - but it added that "" don't stay long term, and the leave when their end.

代表英国许多顶尖大学的罗素集团提出担忧,认为该计划将影响他们吸引国际学生为英国高等教育系统注入 "重要收入 "的能力。

The Group, which many of the 's top , has that the plans will their to the "vital " into the .



rack up: 达到

goes beyond: 超过、不仅是

a that's : …的感觉萦绕着

trailer: 预告片

was with: 被…充斥着

hit a new high: 达到历史新高

In a bid to: 为了争取…
