《OurHomeChina自由的微博》| Mea: 在中国找到家的归属感




《OurHomeChina自由的微博》| Mea: 在中国找到家的归属感

Hello , I’m Mea and I’m an and in . I just moved here from , and I had been there since 2017. I came to China for the same I think most of can to: I to a new , meet new kinds of , and my world view. I had a , more for to China, and that was to my by new words, , and .

大家好,我叫 Mea ,是一个在北京生活和工作的美国人。2017 年,我从重庆搬到北京,之后就一直住在这里。我来到中国的原因和大多数外国人是一样的:我想探寻新文化,认识新朋友,拓宽我的世界观。实际上,我来中国还有第四个理由,出于私心,那就是感受新文字,游览新地方,交往新伙伴,提升我的写作水平。

In I so many new : the , , , mahua (love me some mahua), city views that rival Hong Kong, I could go on. Even when I was in a that felt , like the very nice lady who took me aside to tell me my were than , or when would take my photo on the or in the , it was easy to get over there was and new to see or .


My and I, our over the City View

I had not to make China my home, in fact, I hadn’t on more than one year. By the end of my first , I felt like I hadn’t done or seen , so I on I’d leave after three years. By the time I was close to the three year mark I had to my and had met I would good and, in one case, a . There was no way I could just leave all of these great , so I year…and then COVID hit and right in the of that, I got .


I was never the kid who of their , if I to learn how to wield a and go on epic ! Yet here I was, in a , , right as a was all us. Of , is never easy, but it has an extra twist when it what can be and to get with a new .

I’m from a , so of there were that as a , I would run away back to my , or that I ’t have much in terms of and would if times got tough. There were a lot of said that I if other mixed , but that, my ’s was of me.


First do we in !

We felt as a newly we had a to make: where were we going to live? To down? We about his in Henan and being to his , to to his in the of , about him a green card and back to the . We had to take a and list what our goals are, what we want from a city we live in, what we could . In the end, we to take a risk and move to . of us had lived in a tier one city and both of us had we to visit and goals we could reach while in , of us will be our last stop.


My , a great guy from Henan, and I have that we want to spend our time more. As he says, ‘We want to live a .’ , our home in China now is we to make it . is a city in the , but after many of the , we chose to move on to for a bit to some of the and take stock of where we would like to go next. Our life in China looks very much , we know we want to go to , , Xian, and so many other in the near .


《OurHomeChina自由的微博》| Mea: 在中国找到家的归属感

in the area!

Where I’m from in ( I grew up the of the ), many never have the to , much less live in for a long of time. China has given me the to grow in ways I had not and will be my home for years to come. I China will hold a place in my heart.


