圣诞夜MV迷倒众人,宝藏歌手Dido的《Christmas Day》#经典循环之作

Christmas Day。

This is a time for music。The young gent leman came past,位年轻的绅士骑马路过此地。on a 's day,那是一个下雪的冬天。He asked to drink by our fire to let him stay,我欣然同意了。

He, drank there for a while,他喝了很多酒。and then he and said to me,突然转身对我说。Your eyes are green,你碧绿的眼睛。Like grass,如夏草般充满活力。Your hair i's soft,你红润的双唇。ike an Ir ish ,犹如鲜艳的玫瑰。

圣诞夜MV迷倒众人,宝藏歌手Dido的《Christmas Day》#经典循环之作

I heard him say were,那天我听到他对我说的最后一句话是。shall for you my love on Day?我会在圣诞之夜为你归来。

你归来。il come ut I won't sleep。当这夜将要到来,我辗转难眠。And the night come but I won't sleep。

as I watch the stars that lead him,我看着为他指路的明星。

却不知他身在何处。but stitl my heart goes with him,但我的心一直为他所牵挂。'm ,alt my for the day,我为这天收拾好了平日的衣服。that lif be: ,等待着他带我离开。

My knows,我的姐姐知道。And the he says,我的朋友们。

They're happy for me,也为我高兴。还有那牧师更对我说。you thank God,你应该感谢上帝。for the of such ,是他给了你如此美丽的容颜。 last words I heard him say were,可是,那天我听到他对我说的最后一句话是。

圣诞夜MV迷倒众人,宝藏歌手Dido的《Christmas Day》#经典循环之作

shalT return for you my love on Christmas Daye,我会在圣诞之夜为你归来。

T ceturn for you my love on Christmas Day2。

On Christmas Day,我会在圣诞之夜为你归来。

圣诞夜MV迷倒众人,宝藏歌手Dido的《Christmas Day》#经典循环之作

I: you my love on Dayi,said.l will,是的,他说。And yes,.I- shall ,for you,on Day。

圣诞夜MV迷倒众人,宝藏歌手Dido的《Christmas Day》#经典循环之作

