The matrix Resurrections 4
Trinity. Neo. Morpheus
Thomas Anderson / Neo 主演
Neo: 曾经从母体逃出成为人类的救星的尼奥,如今失去过往的记忆,成为平凡的托马斯·安德森。
Trinity (The Matrix)) Tiffany / Trinity
她参与了多项进入 Matrix 的任务,包括将 Neo 带到The Oracle
在Matrix电影中,Morpheus 是Nebuchadnezzar的船长,这是最后一个人类城市zion的人类力量的气垫船,在一个被摧毁的世界中,大多数人类都是由有知觉的机器成长为动力源和他们的思想一直被囚禁在由计算机生成的虚拟世界 Matrix 中,以阻止他们了解现实世界的真相。Morpheus 曾经是一个生活在 Matrix 中的人,直到他被释放
开始The : The 22nd . 1999年上演
第一部 黑客帝国剧情1999年
The Matrix 1
As Neo from a of in the pod, the 当 Neo 从吊舱中终生不活动中恢复过来时, 解释了这种情况 : In the early 21st , a war broke out and . After the to solar , the by and their power while their minds in the , a after the world as it was in 1999在 21 世纪初,人类与智能机器之间爆发了一场战争。在人类阻止机器获取太阳能后,机器通过捕获人类并收集他们的生物电力来做出回应,同时让他们的思想在矩阵中保持平静,矩阵是一个以 1999 年世界为模型的共享模拟现实 .
The won the war, and the free took in the city of Zion. and his crew are a group of who hack into the to "" and them 机器赢得了战争,而剩下的自由人类则在地下城锡安避难. 和他的船员是一群叛军,他们入侵了 以“拔掉”被奴役的人类并招募他们 ; their of the s them to bend its laws 他们对矩阵的模拟性质的理解使他们能够改变其物理定律 .
warns Neo that death the kills the body, too, and that the are that to the , while in the real world. 警告 Neo, 中的死亡也会杀死肉体,并解释说 Agent 是消除对系统威胁的有感知力的程序,而名为 的机器则消除现实世界中的反叛者 . Neos that Neo is "the One," a human to free . 在虚拟训练中的实力巩固了 的信念,即 Neo 是“唯一的”,一个预言要解放人类的人。
The group the to visit the , the who that the One would 该集团进入矩阵访问甲骨文,谁预测,人们可能会出现的先知 . She to Neo that he is not the One and warns that he will have to life and his own 她向尼奥暗示他不是独一的,并警告他将不得不在墨菲斯的生命和他自己的生命之间做出选择 . they can leave the , and the group, off by , a crew who has in for a life in the 在他们离开 之前,特工和警察伏击了这群人, 向他们透露了消息, 是一名心怀不满的船员,为了在 中过上舒适的生活而背叛了墨菲斯 .
In an to buy time for the , Smith and is . exits the and the other crew as they lie 为了给其他人争取时间,墨菲斯与史密斯战斗并被抓获。 退出了 并在其他船员昏迷时谋杀了他们. he can kill Neo and , crew Tank and kills Neo and from the 在他可以杀死 Neo 和 之前,机组成员 Tank 恢复意识并杀死了 ,然后将 Neo 和 从矩阵中拉出来。 .
The to learn his codes to the in Zion, which would allow them to it 特工审问 以了解他对锡安大型计算机的访问代码,这将使他们能够摧毁它 。. Neo to to the to him, as the she him 正如神谕所预言的那样,尼奥决定返回矩阵来营救他 ; . While , Neo gains in his , feats to those of the 三一坚持要她陪着他。在营救墨菲斯的过程中,尼奥对自己的能力充满信心,表现出与特工相当的壮举 . As and exit the , Smith and kills Neo 当 和 安全地离开 时,Smith 伏击并杀死了 Neo . While a group of the , her love for Neo and says the told her she would fall in love with the One 当一群哨兵攻击尼布甲尼撒时,三位一体承认她对尼奥的爱,并说神谕告诉她她会爱上独一者 . Neo is with to and the ; he Smith and the other and the just as the ships pulse the Neo 凭借新发现的感知和控制矩阵的能力复活了;他轻而易举地击败了史密斯和其他特工,就像船的电磁脉冲一样离开了矩阵 禁用哨兵
Back in the , Neo makes a call, the that he will show their "a world where is ." He hangs up and flies away.
《黑客帝国4:矩阵重启》(英语:The Matrix Resurrections)2021年
The 4 cast: Who is in The ?
黑客帝国 4 演员:黑客帝国复活是谁?
As weve 正如我们所提到的, Keanu and Moss are back as Neo and , both being dead at the end of The 尽管基努·里维斯和凯莉·安妮·莫斯在《黑客帝国》的结尾都死了,但仍然以尼奥和崔妮蒂的身份回归。. his to , 里夫斯解释了他回归的决定,他说: "Lana wrote a and a story that with me. Thats the only to do it."“拉娜·沃卓斯基写了一个漂亮的剧本和一个让我产生共鸣的精彩故事。这是这样做的唯一原因。”
Theyll be by whos his role as Agent and Jada Smith is back as Niobe丹尼尔伯恩哈特将加入他们的行列,他将重新扮演约翰逊特工的角色,, who she in The and The 她在《黑客帝国重装上阵》和《黑客帝国革命》中饰演尼奥贝。. is also as the 兰伯特·威尔逊也将作为墨洛温人回归, but s , the s wife, has not been in any or film 但莫妮卡·贝鲁奇饰演的墨洛温人的妻子珀尔塞福涅并未出现在任何预告片或电影剧照中。
The 4 plot: What will The be about?
黑客帝国 4 的情节:黑客帝国的复活是关于什么的?
The is as vague as youd , a to the for Neo. What we know is from the .官方概要和你想象的一样含糊不清,戏弄着 Neo 重返黑客帝国。我们所知道的是从预告片中收集的。
years since The , Neo is a life under his A and is blue pills to the he has.《黑客帝国》大革命20 年后,尼奥以他原来的身份托马斯·A·安德森过着规律的生活,并正在服用蓝色药丸来抵消他的“幻觉”。
But life gets when he runs into a woman he (its !), but of them the other. Soon he meets who him a red pill to allow him to see The once again . He joins a group of , Bugs (we think!), to fight a new enemy.