Reducing vs. Diminishing: Mastering Usage and Nuances

Reducing vs. Diminishing: Mastering Usage and Nuances


① 常用作及物动词,意为“减少,降低,使处于”,在表示“减少”这层意思上,有lower的含义。结构为:

reduce sth.

reduce sth. to…把……减少到,使处于……状态

be reduced to

They are wages. 他们在减少工资。

She reduced the price of the coat to 50 dollars. 她把那件大衣的价格减为50美元。

For some time he was to . 有一段时间他沦为乞丐。

The hotel was to ashes. 那家旅馆被烧成了灰烬。

② reduce还可用作不及物动词,表示“减肥”。

He is trying to reduce. 他正在减肥。

She has been reducing for half a year. 她减肥已经半年了。

③ 在表示减少,强调减少结果上,diminish更确切。

The drought diminishes the supplies of vegetables. 旱灾减少了蔬菜供应。

The illness diminished his strength. 疾病使他丧失了不少体力。

④ lower表示下降,与bring down差不多。

lower the 降低价格

lower ones voice 放低声音

⑤ lessen表示减少,减轻,不用具体数目表示;decrease可以用具体数目表示,但往往强调变小的过程,渐变的经过。

His fever has lessened. It has decreased from 38℃ to 37℃. 他的烧退了,体温已从38℃降到了37℃。
