



01 靠前套

【原文】 **十分重视人民的健康饮食。通过大力提倡健康饮食,人们对合理营养增进健康的重要性有了更加深刻的认识。“吃的安全,吃的营养,吃得健康”是人民对美好生活的基本需求,是提升人民幸福感的必然要求,也为食品产业的发展提供了新机遇。目前,各级政府都在采取多种措施,推进健康中国的建设。

【参考答案】 The great to a diet for its . By a diet, have a of the of and . " , and " is the s basic for a good life, and it is an in the of s sense of , which also new for the of the food . At , at all are a of to the of a China.

02 第二套

【题目】 改*开放以来,中国人的饮食发生了显著变化。过去由于经济落后,食品种类有限、数量不足,人们仅仅满足于吃得饱。如今中国经济快速发展,食品不仅更加丰富多样,质量也大幅提高。随着生活水平不断提升,人们对饮食的要求越来越高,更加注重吃得营养健康。因此,目前市场上推出的低脂、低糖、有机食品受到人们的普遍欢迎。

【范文】 Since the and , the diet of has . In the past, due to , food was in and , and were with just to eat. , with the rapid of Chinas , food is not only more and , but also of a much . As the of to rise, s are and , and more is being paid to and . As a , , and food on the are by .

03 第三套

【题目】 改*开放以来,中国人民生活水平不断提高,这在人们的饮食变化上得到充分体现。如今,人们不再追求于吃得饱,而是追求吃得更加安全、更加营养、更机健康,食物也愈来愈丰富多样,不再限于本地的农产品。物流业的发展使人们很容易品尝到全国各地的特产。毫无疑问,食品质量与饮食结构的改善为增进人们健康提供了有力的保障。

【范文】 Since the and , the of the has been , which is fully in the in s diet. Today, are no to have to eat, but they to eat safer, more , and more , and the food is also more and more rich and , no to local . The of the makes it easy for to taste from all over the . , the of food and has a for the of s .

写作解析 本答案仅供参考

01 靠前套

【题目】 The Most Impressive Aspects of University

【范文】 vary when it comes to what in the you the most. But in my , a on ’ , and there are of that me the most.First and , the of at is truly . offer a wide range of , to their . This to , them a . , it for by and . that me is the of at . are in their and are about their . They are quite for that a . Their to is truly ., the life is of . The , such as clubs, teams, and , a . in these not only helps their but also a sense of .In , the of , the of , and the life are the most of . a for and . Who can not the to study in the !

【译文】 在大学中给你最深刻印象的事情,不同人有不同看法。但在我看来,上大学对学生的成长留下了深刻的印象,大学有几个方面给我留下了深刻的印象。首先,大学提供的多样化学术课程确实令人印象深刻。大学提供广泛的课程,使学生能够追求他们的热情。这种多样性鼓励学生探索各种学科,为他们提供全面的教育。此外,它通过提供专业知识和技能来为学生未来的职业做准备。另一个给我留下深刻印象的方面是大学的教师队伍质量。教授们都是自己领域的专家,并对自己的学科充满激情。他们非常负责,确保学生获得高质量的教育。他们对教学的奉献精神确实令人钦佩。此外,充满活力的校园生活也是大学的另一个显著方面。众多的课外活动,如俱乐部、运动队和文化活动,营造了活跃的氛围。参与这些活动不仅有助于学生发展兴趣,还培养了一种归属感。总之,学术课程的多样性、教师的素质和充满活力的校园生活是大学最令人印象深刻的方面。上大学提供了一个独特的机会,促进个人和学术的成长。谁不会珍惜在大学学习的机会呢!

02 第二套

【题目】 A Spectacular Campus Event: A Night of Enchantment and Inspiration

【范文】 The is with and as , , and here to one of the most of the year. The night is set to be a of , , and , an on all who .The event, named "A Night of and ," an of , , and . As the sun dips below the , the is into a of , , and , the stage for a novel and .The event with a by the s dance , whose and cast a spell on the . Their is by a of acts, and each one the of those .The of the is a of by , whose words with the . They share their of over , offer words of and , and make the crowd feel and .The night in a of that the sky and fill the air with a of color and sound. As the last of light fades from the night sky, the with a sense of and .In a , the event is a to the , , and of the , a on all who are to be in . "A Night of and " to be a of the power of art, music, and the human , and will be for years to come as a of life.

【译文】 校园里充满了兴奋和激动,学生、教职员工和社区成员聚集在这里,见证一年中最壮观的活动之一。这个晚上注定会是才华、创意和灵感的魔幻展示,给所有参与其中的人留下难忘的印象。这个名为“魔幻灵感之夜”的活动承诺带来一个令人着迷的表演之夜、发人深省的演讲和惊艳的展示。太阳落下地平线后,校园变成了一片灯光、色彩和声音的仙境,为一场新奇而非凡的体验搭建了舞台。活动以大学舞蹈团的迷人表演开始,他们优雅的舞姿和艺术的编排给观众带来了魔力。他们的表演后是一系列激动人心的音乐演出,每个演出都展示了音乐家们不可思议的才华。晚上的高潮是一系列发人深省的演讲,由杰出的演讲者分享。他们的话语深深地触动了观众,分享了他们在逆境中的胜利故事,传授智慧和激励,激发了听众的活力和动力。晚上以令人叹为观止的烟花表演达到高潮,照亮了天空,使空气充满了色彩和声音的交响乐。随着最后一丝光亮从夜空消失,观众带着一种更新的惊奇和灵感离开。总而言之,这个活动是对校园社区的创意、才华和精神的见证,给所有有幸参与其中的人留下了深刻的印象。“魔幻灵感之夜”证明了艺术、音乐和人类精神的**力量,并且将作为校园生活的一个重要亮点,为人们长久地铭记。 03 第三套

【题目】 in My

【范文】 In years, my has . Along with the of and , more and more are to my . Now, I will some of these in my .One of the most in my is the of . New roads and have been , more . The of , , has made more and ., my has a to the urban areas. Old have been and into ones. Parks, , and green have been , a . These have not only the citys but have also a more . in my is the rapid . New and have , job and the local . More and more also come to my and visit the local and .In , my has in . These have it into a more city. I am proud to this in my .

【译文】 最近几年,我的家乡经历了显著发展。随着经济和社会的增长,我的家乡发生了越来越多显著的变化。现在,我将重点介绍一些家乡的发展。我家乡最明显的变化之一是基础设施的发展。新的道路和桥梁已经建成,使交通更加便利。公共交通网络的扩大,包括地铁系统,使通勤更加便利和高效。此外,我家乡见证了美化城区的重大努力。老建筑已经焕发了新生,变成了现代建筑。公园、花园和绿地已经建成,促进了更健康的生活方式。这些改进不仅提升了城市的外观,也创造了更宜人的生活环境。我家乡的另一个显著发展是经济快速增长。新兴产业和企业涌现,创造了就业机会,推动了当地经济。越来越多的游客也来到我家乡,参观当地的博物馆和剧院。总之,我的家乡在各个方面都经历了显著的发展。这些变化将它变成了一个更加充满活力的城市。我为能见证家乡的这种转变感到骄傲。

听力解析 本答案仅供参考

01 靠前套

【 A】 News 1

音频原文 A in the U. S. a large SUV car that was going very and lanes on a . He to find a who was very drunk or a . , the a five year old boy sat on the edge of the s seat. His feet could reach the brake, and his head was only just high to see out of the . The child had taken the keys to the car while his was . He then drove three town on the . The boy later told that he was to to and buy a car. he only had 3 in his , at least he was in the right .

题目 Q1: Why did the stop the SUV car? Q2: What did the boy tell the he was to do?

News 2

音频原文 have the way we live, how we read, work, , and shop. But we know this. What we have not yet is the way the tiny in front of us are our . not just the way we but even the very shape of our . New at the of the Coast in , that young are extra of bone at the backs of their heads. These of bone are by the way bend their heads when they use the phone. This onto the at the back of the head and the bone to grow in a way that is not . This can be to the way the skin in to or . The is a piece of bone like a horn that out from the head by the neck.

题目 Q3: What does the say we have not yet about ? Q4: What to the skin when or ? News 3

音频原文 A is going to throw a party for an cat named , who has for a at local shops. has his own pages as he his 10th on July 7. is both bold and .He most of his time in shops and the .Hell just take into any shop, .There was one time when the s came back and he was on her chair.Among his are a local , two pubs, and the . , who runs one of the pubs, said the cat has been a big hit with their .“Hes been a for most of this year”, she told the Press .“Hes a very cat, happy for and young and old to come in and say hello. She also said he is a cat of , who likes his high cat food. ”Sarah , who is s party, told the local , “ is part of our lives, as he is for who lives in the . ”

题目 Q5: What does the say the is going to do for the cat ? Q6: What do we learn from the about the cat? Q7: What does the pub owner, , say about the cat?

【Section B】 Conversation 1

音频原文 M: So, where do you want to go for lunch? W: I don know. Do you have in mind? M: What about the place on ? W: Um, no, sorry. I don feel like today. Its a great place, but I think we go there too often. M: Thats true. , thats where we saw Clark, the movie star. W: Of . How could I ever ? There were of her, for a photo with her. M: What about , then? Theres that style diner on the way to the mall. W: I like that place. Their chips are great, but their takes a long time, and I need to get back by 2.:30 for a call. How about new? We could try Marios, the new on the . It looks . Have you been there? M: No, I haven , but Ive that it has great on the . Its to be one of the best in town. I think has been there and said it was . Im up for that. W: Cool. Have you asked if he would like to come with us? M: I have. He says he can . He has his own lunch today, so he will stay in. I think his wife made him soup. W: Poor . His wife is a cook. He throw that soup in the bin and join us.

题目 Q8: What are the about in this ? Q9: Where did the see , the movie star? Q10: Why does the woman say she needs to get back by 2:30? Q11: Why does the woman say throw his soup in the bin?

Conversation 2

音频原文 W: Hi there, how are you today? Do you have a with us ? M: Good . Yes, we our rooms on your for three . The names . W: Okay, let me have a look. Yes, we have it here. You the whole with you, I see. M: Yes, the two kids, my wife and I, and her too. W: Great. So, we have a room for you and your wife and the kids. And room for your in law. They are right next to each other on the floor, since you in your that they have with . M: Thats . My in law has had up and down since his knee last April. W: Im sorry to hear that, and if you need any help to find for the whole , we can for you. M: We were of a car, but we will all the for sure. So yes, that would be very in . We e also what tours and day trips are . W: We have of here. I would out on a boat trip. The kids will love it, and there are so many to . Theres also a great night into town that has all kinds of food and cool shops and local and made by hand. M: That all . W: Now, all I need is to your , and then I can get you all in and show you to your rooms.

题目 Q12: Who is the man to in the ? Q13: What do we learn about the mans in law from the ? Q14: Why does the man say they will all the ? Q15: What does the woman the man and his do close to the end of the ? 【 C】 1

音频原文 play ever more roles in our lives. They do from new to . They e even to drive our cars. role that they are to take over is on our in or legal .So, its to know using an agent might how we . that it does. In a new study, were told to that they were for to them, like a house. Next, they were told that they would for , or they would an agent to for them. then a how tough, , and or they to be, or their agent to be, in the . For , could to be tough by an far than what theyd be to . They could also to with their , to .But they could also that they, or their agent, Would anger the to gain , or they could opt to with the so that the other party would think they were . These are both of . were more to when an agent to on their .

题目 Q16: What does the say about ? Q17: What does the new study want to find out about using an agent? Q18: What did tend to do when an AI agent to on their ?

Passage 2

音频原文 New has the of a seven week . the s on and self . also and diet . What were the ? saw in . They also and after the . These six after the of the . What these ? have found a link more and and term .This would imply that the in the study may have felt due to diet. , the study even if their diet did not after the . Also, the were equal among who were or obese and those in a range.This a link and and . Who most from to cook? plays a part. At the start of the , 77 of were about , but just 23 of males were . At the end of the , and were equal both . This in could lead to a in home . This, in turn, could of , high meals.

题目 Q19: What do we learn about the the from the ? Q20: What do the new about ? Q21: What plays a role in who most from to cook?

Passage 3

音频原文 What is space? We often think of it as an of space us that can enter, . shows, , that we have of sizes. Each of these to a set of . The zone, space, from our 18 in every . Only , pets and ones may enter it. A mere our space makes us . Next is the space, from 1.5 feet to 4 feet away. and can this zone, , but are . from 4 to 12 feet away from us is space. Here, feel with new or total . Those are the sizes of , . It is to keep in mind that space on and . , there are . As we all know, or in are all too often the cause of . How did these arise? to , we begin to our sense of space age 3 or 4. The sizes of our are fixed by our teens. These are and by the brain in fear.

题目 Q22: What does show about our space? Q23: What if a mere our space? Q24: Where do feel with new or ? Q25: When are the sizes of our fixed?

答案 B wrong with the . C Buy a car. D Alter human . A It . B Hold a party for him. A to the shop. D Fond of food. D Where to . C place on . A There is to be a call. B She doesn think his wife cooks well. C . B up . D price. B Go on a boat trip. D more . A on the way we . C Use . B Six after The EN D Eat more and . A . D in size. A Makes us feel . C space. D Enter our teen. 02

第二套 【Section A】

News 1

音频原文 Have you how you are to your ? It may be your in with each other. We know that are more to be the same age, , and as each other. Now it seems their are alike too. at the of 42 while they to . Some might find a scene , for , while would feel it was . The of was more than that of who didn know each other, in in , , and . This was that it could be used to two were or not. The goes two ways. We are drawn to who think like us. We then their over time, which may push their brain into more our own.

题目 Q1: What may be the that are to each other, to the ? Q2: What does the news say about the ?

News 2

音频原文 Two men who have been best for 60 years have just they are . Its that Alan and met in the 6th grade at a in . They have been best ever since. Alan was given away for soon after he was born, and never knew his .So , They made on DNA to more about their . was to find that he with user . He knew that this was his best , Alan, whose call him , and flew 737 when he was a pilot.The pair were born to the same 15 apart.

题目 Q3: What did both Alan and to do on DNA ? Q4: What did the news say about Alan and ?

News 3

音频原文 Amid all the drama, air and , five good work is being . , 2 male and 3 were the long beach, up trash. One of the male from that there was a lot of trash, was doing . The beach was not as nice or as it be. He felt so sad to see such a place with so much trash. Thus, he and his to grab a few trash bags and clean it all up. A man by to video their good deed and put it on the . It was where the rest of the group was from, but they were most . One local woman on being that were up their beach. that it was the who food and , then left trash all along the .

题目 Q5: Why did one of the male feel sad? Q6: Who put the good deed video on the ? Q7: Why did one local woman say she was ?

【Section B】 Conversation 1

音频原文 W: Hello , Dan and I will be going for a run along the canal . Would you like to join us? M: Id love to, but I hurt my ankle last with work . W: Oh dear, is it ? M: No, not at all. I badly a fall and it a , but its no big deal. Its just a and I be fine for next if you still want to go for a jog then. W: I won be here next . Im going to the zoo. M: The zoo? W: Yeah. My turns six, and he loves the zoo. So the whole is going. M: Oh, okay then. I haven been to a zoo since I was a kid. W: They are near as as they used to be when we were . I feel sorry for the poor stuck in cages. But theres no they are fun and for . M: Do you know if Dan will be next ? W: Yeah, I think he will. Just send him a text . Hes keen on . M: Thats true. Dan is fit and . He goes to the gym most days, plus two or three times a week. W: So, what have you been doing to stay busy while youve had that ankle? M: Ive been up on some . I was given three books over , and Im only now to them.

题目 Q8: Why can the man go for a run ? Q9: Why is the womans whole going to the zoo next ? Q10: What do we learn about Dan from the mans ? Q11: What has the man been doing since last ? 2

音频原文 W: Our guest on todays book talk is John Black, the of the new , Early. M: for me on the show, Lisa. W: John, your book is a lot of , you write that most can by 40. Is that ? M: . When this book, I of who by 40. W: Okay, but how much money does a need to ? Ive read one as a good for . M: While most do give , I don think thats , as are in areas with costs of , and have needs and wants, which is why I that aim for . W: What do you mean by ? M: thats than . W: That risky to me. What if an ? Or you get ill and need ? have extra cash for ? M: Too many spend their lives on jobs they hate they e . So I to take risks. doesn have to be , and if need to, they can go back to work. W: But its not easy to get back into the after an . M: True, but if you keep with your , you will be to . W: Maybe, but how can save to by 40 when most can at 60? M: , by , food, and and half your . W: That . M: I admit its , but it has for .

题目 Q12: What do we learn about the mans book ? Q13: What do the the woman read ? Q14: What does the man say about ? Q15: How does the man say his about can be out? 【 C】 1

音频原文 New from the role that the of from or has in food . This found were more to food in the of an of a race, as to an from their own race. The same was true when they were with from a to from their own. say this was more from an group. In , they felt less by of their own group. In one , were the candy and fruit as a snack. When in the of an from their own , only 12 of the . , this was 31 when in the of an from . Other based on group. Whats the for this ? The study found that feel to a by of other . of this, they use food to make a . There have been many to help make , but often to a diet. This finds that one way to a diet could be to the of .

题目 Q16: What was the of the new from about food ? Q17: When did 31 of in the the ? Q18: How could a diet be to the of the new ? 2

音频原文 For under , a dog may be the best , to the of a study. Its a , said , who led the study. are doing a lot of great work to help , those who may be at risk due to a of or and .This study shows that aren as for this with that focus on to with dogs. The in the in the study. is a term for the one needs to plan, , , , and .These are need to in . The has found that who were most at risk had the most in after with dogs. These when up six weeks later. Many and .These are very to . They often talk about ways to get more sleep, set goals, or or . that these are and these help . But they e less for . those may the as and feel even more .

题目 Q19: What does the study led by aim to ? Q20: What did the new study in the ? Q21: What does think may do?

Passage 3

音频原文 risks in does not mean going into and then great . On the , risks in and hard work. can be sure if risks will be met with , no how they may be. But this not stop you from risks, as risks are if you want your to . Some risks may not work out, but an risk taker will look at as an to learn. The to with new ideas is key to . As the old goes, . will teach you how to think and plan . But just that not all risks are good ones, and when you fail, learn from it and move . Since most tend to avoid risk, that are brave to take risks have a . They are the ones the with new ideas, fresh and bold . Risk are best at in times. put, when most stay away from risk, it means less for risk . We don know if youll what these risk have , but for as long as you want to stay safe, and for as long as you are with where your is right now, you will never find out.

题目 Q22: What do have to do when risks to the ? Q23: What does the say is key to ? Q24: What are we to do when we fail? Q25: What does it mean to risk when most tend to avoid risk?

答案 C Their work in . A lt can work both ways. D Find out more about their . B They were born to the same . B The beach was with lots of trash. C A . A It was not who were up the beach. D He is unfit for it. D To give her a treat. D He most of his time in the gym. B on . B It is many s . C One have one to . A It doesn need to be . D By half of ones . C They were by the of from an group. A When an from was . B By its . D The of with dogs on under . A Their . B Add to some . A Work hard and plan . D Being to with novel ideas. B Learn from our and forge ahead. D Less .

阅读解析 本答案仅供参考

01 靠前套 【Section A】

选词填空 参考答案 Q26 F Q27 D Q28 H Q29 I Q30 O upper Q31 M Q32 L risk Q33 J Q34 A Q35 G

【Section B】

段落匹配 答案 and Q36 C , who study young have found that... Q37 L is also a issue. Q38 H But even as error rates , ... Q39 A As a of two boys at .. Q40 M So whats the best way to cope?... Q41 E are wrong to worry about kids... Q42 I When Naomi Baron ... Q43 B New panic... Q44 J It is true that fewer kids are heavy ... Q45 G But all this is ?...

【Section C】

仔细阅读 1 原文 赛马 答案 Q46 B he won fame and love from Q47 A it was only a they had to get over Q48 D he took 3 Grand wins in the 1970s Q49 A he had the peak of his life Q50 D he and 2 原文 做决定 答案 Q51 D rely on in Q52 B data and Q53 C the two Q54 C to inner Q55 A apply and data in

02 第二套 【Section A】

选词填空 参考答案 Q26 D focus Q27 F Q28 E Q29 K Q30 N story Q31 M Q32 H prior Q33 O Q34 L Q35 C

