正文翻译 Why can the US build cool like Asia and some parts of do?为什么美国不能像亚洲和欧洲一些地方那样建造看起来很酷的高层建筑?原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处
评论翻译 Obi are at play here. Let me first point out, it is not "can ". It is the US "is not" "cool" .I am sure you mean like these:,.. STYLE.The taste in is and not very . still in wood over high gloss . It is the in most of the rest of the world. A house in the US will have wood . It would be or in most of Asia and . love their , . The is by the of than by of the s . Many the , , . But, would they want those in their city ? not.Then there are.. THE CODES.这里有几个因素在起作用。让我首先指出,不是“不能”,是美国“不”建造“很酷”的高层建筑。我相信你的意思是这样的:
首先是,风格一般美国人对建筑的品味是相当保守的,不太冒险。美国人仍然喜欢用天然木材而不是高光泽的层压板制作厨房橱柜。在世界其他大部分地区,情况恰恰相反。美国的豪华住宅会铺设木地板。在亚洲和欧洲的大部分地区是大理石或花岗岩。美国人喜欢直线的、玻璃幕墙的高楼大厦。美学是通过不同表面材料的变化实现的,而不是通过建筑围护结构的宏伟配置。许多美国人欣赏海外那些令人惊叹的、有时看起来有些疯狂的现代建筑。但是,他们会想要那些在市中心的房子吗?可能不会。Then there are.. THE CODES.The US has the most codes on earth. One once told me that by the time you to all the codes in a US , half the is done for you. When you are doing a , these are even . They on the size and shape of the your will cast to how it will the wind... THE OF Asia , there are many . Not so much in the US. want to see the that it will be . One is the World Trade . A had to be made here, for . In Asia, , there has been a for the in the would with the UAE, China and as front . Some and there often set out to build the most they can.So, is and very of the when it comes to . You may be just one of the who are not with what they are .然后是法规美国拥有世界上最严格的建筑法规。一位欧洲建筑师曾经告诉我,当你遵守美国司法管辖区的所有规范时,一半的设计已经给你预定好了。当你建造高楼大厦时,这些监管障碍就更大了。它们包括关于你的建筑将投下的阴影的大小和形状,以及建筑与建筑之间的气流问题。**主义……就是赚钱的经济学特别是在亚洲,有许多用于“自我宣扬”的项目。但在美国就不是这样了。投资者希望看到的计算结果是,它显然将大幅盈利。世界贸易中心的重建是个例外。出于显而易见的原因,显然必须在这里作一番宣扬。然而,在亚洲,争夺世界*高建筑的竞争一直在进行,阿联酋、中国和马来西亚是领先者。那里的一些企业和管理者常常开始建造他们所能建造的最美丽的建筑。因此,在建筑方面,美国是务实的,简洁的接受度很高。你可能只是少数对他们所看到的不满意的人之一。Jacob codes on what were about. With high rises , but if a is in , holy cow you put the wrong type of paint on and the local are gonna sue you into the . The issue there is that every other is .法规取决于具体说的是什么。现代化的高楼大厦,很明显,但如果一栋建筑是欧洲的历史建筑,天哪,你涂错了漆,地方议会就会把你告到地底下。而问题是,这里的历史建筑无处不在。Obi codes, I refer to laws new . In they vary with how the views life , , and to a " ". Each sets for ones being as in . So, a more code keeps you from doing more. For , it might limit the of turns in an to an . It might say that an must not have . It might even say the size of a s in must not a to level , . All these limit what you can do in a .关于规范,我指的是指导新建筑的法律。在不同的国家,它们的差异与社会如何看待生命安全标准、材料耐久性、公共健康以及某种程度上的“视觉接受度”有关。每个司法管辖区都设置了一个设计的门槛,以通过不同类别的评估。因此,更严格的规范会阻止你做更多的事情。例如,它可能会限制出口走廊到逃生楼梯的转弯次数。它可能会说,逃生走廊必须没有曲率。它甚至可能会说,在冬天,建筑阴影的最大尺寸不能超过一定的平方英尺,以控制地面温度,最大限度地利用阳光。所有这些都限制了你在设计建筑时所能做的事情。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Jacob did say that, didn you. My .你已经说过这事了,我的错。 are codes like this in the US for as well. You just don’t hear about it as much , well, there aren’t as many .美国对历史建筑也有这样的规范。你只是不怎么听说它,因为,嗯,没有那么多历史建筑。 many of these are no from the US. They will go a phase of . The most such were the State , the pre-9/11 World Trade , and the Sears tower from NYC and .Then Kuala the tower and gets the title of the in the world. It did not spur a boom in KL where there were many great tall - the was the first and last of its kind. for 101 in . There will be in the 2–300 m high range, but those than that will be rare in any city.In the era of in China, which is going to end soon, a lot of tall were built. But , China has a halt to many of these such . (This could in the : China is an which does what it wants.) China of super 实际上,这些地方和美国没有什么不同。他们在经历一个能带来超高声望的、建筑的建设项目阶段。其中最著名的建筑是帝国大厦、9/11前的世贸中心,以及纽约和芝加哥的西尔斯大厦。然后,吉隆坡建造了双子塔,并获得了世界上*高建筑的称号。它并没有刺激吉隆坡的建筑热潮,那里有许多高大的建筑,但双子塔是靠前个也是最后一个。台北101也是如此。2-300米高的建筑总是有的,但比这更高的建筑在任何城市都是罕见的。在中国即将结束的超级**主义时代,人们建造了许多非常高的建筑。但从长远来看,中国基本上已经下令停止许多此类项目。链接:《中国限制建造“超高层建筑”》So many of these end up like New York and . They’ll build a few which push the on the “ in the world”, and they’ll get bored and move on. maybe UAE still loves this kind of shit. I also have to the “ ” in where a few with too much money will have in very tall which a nice part of , but who knows they will be well in the .Many major Asian will be full of they’re short of land, but this era of mega will soon be over.很多这样的地方最后都变成了纽约和芝加哥。他们会很乐意建造一些挑战“世界上*高建筑”极限的建筑,然后他们就会感到厌倦,然后继续上路。除了阿联酋可能还喜欢这种狗*。我还不得不提到曼哈顿的“铅笔摩天大楼”。在那里,一些非常有钱的人会在非常高的公寓楼里拥有专属公寓,它们是可以俯瞰曼哈顿的一个美丽视角,但谁知道它们未来能否得到良好的维护呢。许多亚洲大城市将会到处都是摩天大楼,因为它们总是缺乏土地,但这个超级摩天大楼的时代很快就会结束。