
="" ="==" time="165.141" title="[ENG]别了,小谢尔顿.wav" ="来自美剧坊"


Time flies , and we know it, our with "Young " has come to an end. In this and witty , we have the of a boy and felt the of and the cold and of .



I the first time I met young , his knock on the door and his about the world me. Over the past seven years, he has grown from a boy into a man who knows how to love and be loved. His is like a of each of us, full of and .



"Young " as a of "The Big Bang " not only the humor and , but also , us to see how a boy finds his place in and . Every habit of , every thing, his inner world and makes us .



Every in the play is like a pearl, s story. From his habit of on the door and three times, to the of his style, every habit, every thing, his inner world.



, life is full of . s death was like a bolt from the blue, and this warm lost its in an . s , the s grief, every makes feel . When the news of his s death, chose to . He this fact and this pain. His , his , are all his to fill the loss of that he didn know at the time was "."



At the end of the , we saw the adult and Amy. Their is not only a to "The Big Bang ," but also a deep of the theme of " love, ." s is a from self to . He began to the of his and began to feel the of . His makes him a more .



The of "Young " is like a warm poem, feel the and touch of life while . I hope every can also get the same touch and . So far, story has been drawn. I like this very much, and I hope that who read here can also the same touch and .
