WRITE AS 产卵 | 九年级英语单词,动名词变形+专项练习

WRITE AS 产卵 | 九年级英语单词,动名词变形+专项练习


1. chemistry n.化学→____________adj.化学的;与化学有关的

2. pronounce v.发音 →_____n.发音;读音

3. express v.表达;表示 →____________n.表情;表示;表达方式

4. discover v.发现→________n.发现;发觉★

5. create v.创造;创建→__________(过去式/过去分词)→____________adj.有创造力的,创造性的★

6. steal v.偷;窃取→____________(过去式)→____________(过去分词)★

7. lay v.放置;安放;产卵;下蛋→_________(过去式/过去分词)

8. lie v.存在;处于;平躺→____________(过去式)★→____________(过去分词)

9. punish v.处罚;惩罚→______n.处罚;刑罚

10. center n.中心→_____adj.中心的;中央的★

11. humor n.幽默 →____________adj.有幽默感的;滑稽有趣的

12. suggest v.建议;提议→____________n.建议;提议★

13. v.要求→____________n.所需的(或所要的)东西

14. fail v.不及格;失败;未能做到→____________n.失败★

15. introduce v.介绍→____________n.介绍★

16. polite adj.有礼貌的;客气的→____________adv.礼貌地;客气地★→____________adj.不礼貌的;粗鲁的

17. silent adj.沉默的;不说话的→____________n.沉默;缄默

18. absent adj.缺席;不在→____________n.缺席,缺乏;没有

19. exact adj.精确的→____________ adv.确切地;精确地★

20. chopstick n.筷子→____________(pl.)

21. glass n.眼镜→____________(pl.)

22. leaf n.叶子;叶→____________(pl.)

23. nation n.国家;民族 →____________adj.国家的;民族的→____________adj.国际的

24. custom n.风俗;习俗 →____________n.顾客;客户★

25. hero n.英雄;男主角→____________(pl.)

26. produce v.生产;制造→____________n.产品;制品

27. live v.活;居住;生活 →____________adj.生气勃勃的;(色彩)鲜艳的★

28. translate v.翻译→____________n.翻译→____________n.译员;翻译家

29. sudden adj.突然的→_________adv.突然地

30. poem n.诗→____________n.诗人

31. value n.价值;重要性→____________adj.贵重的;很有用的;宝贵的

32. wolf n.狼→____________(pl.)

33. energy n.能量 →____________adj.精力充沛的;充满活力的

34. regret v.懊悔;感到遗憾 →_______(过去式/过去分词)★

35. educate v.教育 →____________n.教育→____________adj.教育的;有教育意义的★

36. choose v.选择;挑选→____________n.选择;挑选★→____________(过去式)→____________(过去分词)

37. electricity n.电力;电流→____________adj.电子的;电子设备的

38. direct v.指挥;导演 →____________n.导演;部门负责人

39. stick v.粘贴;将……刺入→____________(过去式/过去分词)

40. shut v.关闭;关上→____________(过去式/过去分词)→____________(现在分词)

41. pain n.疼痛→____________adj.令人痛苦的;令人疼痛的

42. total n.& adj.总数,合计;总的 →____________adv.完全地;全部地;整个地

43. behave v.表现;行为___n.行为;举止★

44. bank n.银行→____________n.银行家

45. n.财富→______ adj.富裕的;富有的

46. office n.办公室→____________ n.军官;官员★→____________adj.官方的;正式的

47. ring v.(钟、铃等)鸣;响→_______(过去式)→_______(过去分词)★

48. burn v. 着火;燃烧→____(过去式/过去分词)

49. believe v.相信;认为→____________ n.相信;信仰→____________adj.可相信的;可信任的

50. advantage n.优点;有利条件→ ____________(反义词)不利条件;缺点

51. harm n.伤害;危害→ ____________adj.有害的★→____________adj.无害的;无恶意的

52. law n.法律→____________n.律师

53. thirst n.渴;口渴→_______adj.渴望的;口渴的

54. instruct v.指导;命令 →_______n.指示;


1. chemical 2. pronunciation

3. expression 4. discovery

5. created; creative

6. stole; stolen 7. laid

8. lay; lain 9. punishment

10. central 11. humorous

12.  13.

14. failure 15. introduction

16. politely; impolite 17. silence

18. absence 19. exactly

20. chopsticks 21. glasses

22. leaves 23. national; international

24. customer 25. heroes

26. production 27. lively

28. translation; translator

29. suddenly 30. poet

31.  32.

33. energetic 34. regretted

35. education; educational

36. choice; chose; chosen

37. electronic 38. director

39. stuck 40. shut; shutting

41. painful 42. totally

43. behavior 44. banker

45.  46. ;

47. rang; rung 48. burnt/burned

49. belief; believable 50. disadvantage

51. ;  52.

53. thirsty 54. instruction


1. It’s _________ for me to work out the in such a short time.()

2. The more he said, the ____________ we felt. (angry)

3. The ____________ on the Great Wall look very nice. (take)

4. knows ____________ comes first. ()

5. After a while the dog came to ____________ . (it)

6. In which year did your get ____________. (marry)

7. Keep quiet! You are too ____________. (noise)

8. His made it work by _____________the Scuba . ()

9. The boys in the ____________ of the first half. ()

10. Be ____________ with bad boys. (not make)

11. He was the _____________at the and I was the first. (speak)

12. Her ______________ sounds good but it’s hard to try out. (decide)

13. The story ____________ on a real person is very moving. (base)

14. After the mouth –to –mouth breathing, the SARS patients came back to __________. (them)

15. There is much _______ in the town. You’d not go in. (foggy)

16. ________, he missed the last bus. (luck)

17. The __________ you eat, the better you’ll be. (health)

18. Two __________ of the earth is by water. (three)

19. It’s said that he’s had the machine _________. (check)

20. were to see the _________ of the plant they grew. ()

21. There are no _____________ to stay under water for a long time at that time. (allow)

22. Our has a good _______________ (know) of .

23. In a ____________ , the boys were by the girls. ()

24. By the time we got to the , the train ___________ away for five . (be)

25. ________ (where) you go, I’ll right be here for you!

26. It’s said that his father is one of the greatest journalists ______. (live)

27. The meat tastes____________ good. (terrible)

28. The books _________ from the be on time. ()

29. There are many you and _________. (I)

30. Children are interested in __________ computer games. (play)

31. How ________ he is doing his ! I can it. (care)

32. The men fell off the motorbike and ________ on the ground. (lie)

33. I want my ruler. I don’t want _______. ( else)

34. Hurry up! There are ten more ____________ . (clean)

35. under 1.2m in ___________ are not to come in. (high)

36. His cut the apple into . (half)

37. Tom had his left leg _____________ on his way home. (break)

38. Kate asked the Greens to help ____________ to some fried chicken. (them)

39. What’s way of ___________. (bike)

40. I don’t think the worth __________ .(study)

41. The of __________ by the are on show in this . ()

42. was one of the __________ in the world. ()

43. In ________ , the most is . (west)

44. __________ he says, you must to him . (what)

45. The picture book made the baby very ____________ . (interest)

46. The __________ there feel and soft. (hang)

47. China and India are ___________ developed countries. (little)

48. Beijing University ________ a hundred years ago. (found)

49. Could you please fill in your ________ information here? (person)

50. Such an old man can’t be left at home by ___________. (him)

51. After ____________ off , they went to Tian An Men in a hurry. (drop)

52. I was told there _________ in a year when I was young. (be)

53. It’s still ________________ who broke the . (know)

54. The given by the nurse wasn’t ___________ at all. (pain)

55. Thanks for ____ me to your party. (invite)

56. When they got to the , the plane __________ five . (take off)

57. Xiao Li’s dog has _________ for two . (die)

58. I have in the since it ________. (open)

59. To the work in such a short time is ________ for me. give me some more time. ()

60. By the time we got there, the match ________on for ten . (be)

61. By the end of last month, Wang Ping ________ more than 1000 words. (learn)

62. Her mother is a ___________ doctor. (child)

63. The told me to take the __________ a day. (two).

64. The girl is too __________ to win the . ()

65. They wake up the other , ___________ “Merry .” (call)

66. I prefer to read rather than ___________ idle. (sit)

67. In American you can buy a __________ car as little as 300 dollars. (use)

68. I to walk there of __________ by bus. (go)

69. Miyoko clicked on the screen, and a form appeared for her to fill in her ____________ information. (person)

70. You are ____________ about him. (mistake)

71. We had our __________ in the of the . (take)

72. We can’t have the car _________. (stop)

73. His ______ speech made us a lot. (excite)

74. He got in _______________ for her . ()

75. He ____________ of his sickness. (heal)

76. Their hen has _____________ two eggs today. (lay)

77. Li Lei has got some books about _____________. (chemist)

78. The policeman helped the mother to find the _________ boy. (lose)

79. If it _________ (rain) next , we won’t have a match.

80. are true ________ to the world. ()

81. Of all the teachers in our school, Mr Li talks _________ but does most. (little)

82. I can’t find my pen, I think I _____ (lose) it.

83. I found my bike ___________. (miss)

84. We are all ________ of the . (pride)

85. The baby was __________. (noise)

86. We can’t live ______ air or water. (with)

87. Miss Zhang asks us to have a group ___________ (discuss).

88. The is ____________ with milk. (fill)

89. Soon he fell fast ____________. (sleep)

90. Father Christmas isn’t a _________ person. In your family, Father Christmas is ____________ your father. (real)

91. The children play games on the playground , ___________ happy songs. (sing)

92. He ’t wait ___________ the of the of the exam. (know)

93. There was no time ___________ (visit) the Great Wall.

94. They stepped into the classroom, _________ (sing) and _________ (jump).

95. are now ____________ (wide) used all over the world.

96. Please cut the apple into _______. (half)

97. There are a lot of foreign ____________ (travel) on the train

98. ___________ (grow) in the south of China.

99. He told us he had the work ___________. ()

100. I would have you ________ a new bike. (buy)

101. What’s way of ____________? (phone)

102. Have you grown or trees in or near _________ ()?

103. He had visited many countries in his _________ . (thirty)

104. The 3 scientists tried to explain the __________ (appear) of dinosaurs.

105. A girl ________ (call) Kate won the first prize in the .

106. It that Miss Liu was very _________ () with.

107. I don’t think the book is worth ___________. (buy)

108. Has your girl __________ () with you?

109. Which has the most like __________? ()

110. It is said that he is a good _________ in New York. (sell)

111. His _____ speech made us _____ a lot. (excite)

112. There are the words “Made in China” __________ on the back of the . (write)

113. Half of the money __________ (use) to buy a car.

114. Many kinds of books _________ (send) to the last week

115. Thank you for ________ (tell) me about it.

116. Listen! Jim’s radio __________ (make) a loud noise.

117. are used (wide) in the old days in China.

118. The shelf is used for _____ (store) books.

119. I’d like to buy a _______(wool) .

120. Three ________ of the are in . ()

121. This year my father is _______ (health)than last year.

122. I bought _________ (many) than 20 story books.

123. The Young Pioneers often go _________ (boat) in Green Lake park.

124. The boy ____________(tell) _______ (not play) with fire.

125. Tom, __________(wait) for you at the gate, go and see.

126. The babies should ______ (take) care of.

127. all the ________ (panda) in the world live in China.

128. The “My ” ________ (write) by Lu Xun.

129. __________, I found my lost pen. (lucky)

130. In the night we can see _________ () stars in the sky.

131. We ’t touch the on _________. (show)

132. This school __________ (found) in 1950.

133. He stopped his son ________ (play) computer games.

134. You can money from me ____________. ()

135. China has built a Great Green Wall ____ (cross) the part of the .

136. Two of the ________ (fall) as they tried __________(meet) the ball.

137. At 7 last night all the lights _____(turn off) and the film _______. (begin)

138. here ________ (know) when the old __________ (build)

139. The 29th Games will be _____ (hold) in in 2008.

140. Some boys were and _________ (noise) when the came in.

141. March 12th is Tree ______ Day. (plant)

142. The more we get , the _______ (happy) we’ll be.

143. Look! The boy _________ (tie) the tree to the top of the stick.

144. The ________ (die) leaves fall on the ground in autumn.

145. ___ (thank) to your help, I won the prize.

146. No man has traveled ________ (far) than the moon so far.

147. Do you know _________ (who) son he is?

148. Please keep your eyes _______ (close).

149. My father told me an ___ story. (usual)

150. Michael Jordan is my favourite basketball ________. (play)

151. My wish is ________ (go) to when I _________ () from high .

152. _______ (say) in one thing and ________ (do) is quite .

153. Does Mr. Smith like us _________ (speak) to him in Chinese?

154. Can rice __________ (grow) in ?

155. Dr __________ (know) all over the world.

156.3 __________ (multiply) by 2 is 6.

157. The world’s is and , we must do __________(some) to show down its .

158. Lily the most _________ (care) in our class.

159. They never knew what _________ () in a years.

160. The Rolls is ________ () car in the world.

161. My _________ (swim) to .

162. I wasn’t sure if I _________ (be) able to buy a car in two years.

163. You can’t get in the bus, there is no space for you ________ (stand) in.

164. Mike is busy _________ () the on the .

165. Our told us that there ________ (be) a talk on the world’s .

166. A _________() will come to visit the old man.

167. The girl is glad, she has bought a Canon camera ___________ (successful)

168. She seems _________ (buy) a digital camera soon.

169. Before I came in, he _______(search) the Internet for half an hour.

170. I’m sorry we haven’t got this kind of . They _______ (sell) out last week.

171. How much _____ the _______? (cost)

172. We must try our best _________ (stop) the world’s from .

173. The spent a whole day ________(look) for their child, but they . They the __________ () of their child to the .

174. The ________ (use) I from Jack is far than a new one, but it’s very _________(use)

175. We were _________ (amaze) at Jone’s quick __________ ()

176. My lovely dog can help me _________ (feel) less lonely.

177. How happy Mr Wang was when he saw his sick cat _________() well again.

178. His dog, Dan often him when he went to the farm ____ (heal) sick .

179. I loved dogs ________ (well) of all the kinds of .

180. Only two of them were hurt in the . They _________(take) to the at once.

181. A policeman rushed into the burning house ________ (get) the boy.

182. Both of his feet were hurt in the . A must _______ (send) for.

183. Last , we Mount Tai ________ (watch) the .

184. A dog or a cat __________ (keep) by people for fun.

185. ___________ (ride) fast is very dangerous.

186. If I ___________ free next , I will go to the farm with you. (be)

187. Listen! Mary _________ in the next room. (sing)

188. Hi! Tom. Can you tell me when _________ for ? (leave)

189. Could you tell me when the ___________ back from Paris today? (come)

190. He ___________ a all . (write)

191. Yesterday he told me there ________ four seasons in a year. (be)

192. I wish he _________ what I said. (catch)

193. They like to watch TV very much now. But they __________ to play a lot. (use)

194. _________ a lab for by the time he was ten years old. (build)

195. __________ the thief _________ by your father? (catch)

196. Many today can __________ with the . (clean)

197. I think long hours _______ hard for . (be)

198. _________ more and more since China WTO. (be)

199. What a good _________ Jim is! (cook)

200. Miss King enjoyed ___________ in the party last Sunday. (she)


1.impossible 2.angrier 3.taken

4.health 5.itself 6.married

7. 8. 9.

10.not to make 11.speaker 12.decision

13.based 14themselves 5.fog

16.Unluckily 17.more healthily

18.thirds 19.checked 20.appearance

21. 22.

23.surprising 24.had been

25. 26.alive 27.

28. 29.me 30.

31.carelessly 32.lay 33.anyone else’s

34.to be cleaned 35.height. 36.halves

37.broken 38.themselves 39.bicycle

40.studying 41.discovered

42. 43.

44. 45.

46.hung 47.less

48.was 49.

50.himself 51.dropping

52.are 53. 54.

55.inviting 56.had taken off

57.been dead 58.opened

59.impossible 60.had been

61.had 62.’s 63.twice

64.confident 65.called 66.sit

67.used 68.going 69.personal

70.mistaken 71.taken 72.stop

73. 74

75.has been healed 76.laid

77.chemistry 78.lost 79.rains

80.friends 81.least 82.have lost

83.missing 84.proud 85.noisily

86. 87. 88.

89.asleep 90.real really 91.singing

92.to know 93.to visit


95. 96.

97. 98.are grown

99.finished 100.buy

101.telephone 102.neighbourhood

103.thirties 104.disappearance

105.called 106.pleased

107. 108.

109.Germany’s 110.sales

111., 112.

113.be used 114.were sent

115.telling 116.is making

117.more 118.

119. 120.

121.healthier 122.more

123. 124.was told ,not to play

125.is 126.be taken

127. 128.was

129.luckily 130.millions

131 show 132.was

133.playing 134.directly

135.across 136.fell, to meet

137was off, began

138.knows, was built

139.held 140.noisily

141.Planting 142 happier

143.is tying 144.dead

145.thanks 146.farther

147.whose 148.

149.unusual 150.player.

151.to go, graduate 152.to say ,to do

153.to speak 154.be grown

155.is known 156.

157.something 158.carefully


160.the most expensive

161. 162.would be

163.to stand 164.

165.would be 166.

167.successfully 168.to buy

169.had 170.were sold

171.does,cost 172.to stop, increasing

173.looking disappearance

174.used, useful

175.amazed,decision 176.(to)feel

177.become 178.to heal

179.best 180.were taken

181.to get 182.be sent

183.to watch 184.is kept

185.Riding 186.am

187.is singing 188.to leave

189.will come 190.was

191.are 192.has caught

193.used 194.had built

195.was 196.be

197.is 198.has been

199.cook 200.herself
