





Lula, as the is known, won by a : 1.8 .

After the as Jair , the , took two days to speak.

So, although commodity prices have jumped since Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine in February, boosting Brazil’s exports (动名词在中间,难受), the government has little room for fiscal maneuver.

He made a good start in his , to be the for all (动名词在中间,难受), not just those who voted for him.

Lula learn from the of his win, after to power with two in the early 2000s . (作者好像对动名词情有独钟,用起来总让人觉得有点别扭。这里的动名词好像在猜测Lula的心态:看吧,我又像2000年一样赢了吧!作者:老先生,时代不同了,不要沉溺在过去了!)

Now for the hard part

As , Lula will a ,

When Luiz Lula Da Silva was last (后文有照应) in , 2003 and 2010, he used to quip that “God is ”. If so, the has a dark sense of humor. (讽喻,与文末呼应)The n that ended with a on 30thwas one of the has ever (总让人感觉难以忍受) , in and with (结构严整). Lula, as the is known, won by a : 1.8 . (句一)

After the as Jair , the , took two days to speak. (句二)


Lula(主语), as the is known(从句), won by a : 1.8(数字) .

After the (从句) as(同位语介词错置)Jair (主语), the , took two (数字)days to speak.





He did not .(解释同位语错置的具体表现), it looks that the of power will be . by lorry the , but Mr. , who has , told his not to block roads.

In many ways, the is for ’s . (后文有呼应)The vote count was clean and Lula won fair and . Mr. has for the : that the polls would be and the only way Lula could win was by (照应won fair and ). He admit that he was wrong, he won’t. (调侃)

Lula will find much than last time he was in . (每每提到Lula,总会与之前作比较,提醒他,时代不同了,社会不同了)The is more than it was then, and its are in worse shape. (社会经济现状)The ’s with a of : that Lula is a , and that Mr. is a . (社会撕裂的方向) . (虽然是小短句,却给人一种特别厚重的感觉,有力度!具体表现--)Since seven have been for their views.(社会问题)

As for the , has up debts since Lula was last (照应首段,Lula,时代不同了) in power, of a in 2014-2016 and . So, have since Putin in , ’s , the has room for . (经济问题)


Lula’s first task is to try to calm and unite the . He made a good start in his , to be the for all , not just those who voted for him. (Lula说的)He may (艰难时用到的一个词:), , to the of who have been told, , that he will close their and (与前文呼应).(反对派听到的,Lula,这里是个坑)He has that his was down to a broad of ; he ought to in that . (, soul, …) (Lula的对策)

His next step be to a . He that he will not , which he at the time and how he will pay for any big . (支招)If he is going to a cap on , in 2016 after the , he needs to that there will be a new rule to it. (Lula,这里是个坑) More is over how he will pay for green . He is help to curb in the , which has fast under Mr. . (Lula的对策)

Lula will have to find a way (又一步)to work with , which is by . He make clear that the graft that under the rule of his ’ Party, seen most in the Lava Jato (Car Wash) , will not occur again. (污点)(Lula,这里是个坑)(Lula was for 19 on of ; his was in 2021 and he his .) He an from a list the ’s . , his be on the basis of merit, than . (支招)

收尾:The next few years will be tough. (提醒--) Lula does, is to a force in , just as is in the . (忠告--)Lula learn from the of his win, after to power with two in the early 2000s. He needs to forge among those he with. (希望--)If he and , he has a to order and to .

Now for the hard part

As , Lula will a ,

When Luiz Lula Da Silva was last in , 2003 and 2010, he used to quip that “God is ”. If so, the has a dark sense of humor. The n that ended with a on 30th was one of the has ever , in and with . Lula, as the is known, won by a : 1.8 .

After the as Jair , the , took two days to speak. He did not . , it looks that the of power will be . by lorry the , but Mr. , who has , told his not to block roads.

In many ways, the is for ’s . The vote count was clean and Lula won fair and . Mr. has for the : that the polls would be and the only way Lula could win was by . He admit that he was wrong, he won’t.

Lula will find much than last time he was in . The is more than it was then, and its are in worse shape. The ’s with a of : that Lula is a , and that Mr. is a . . Since seven have been for their views.

As for the , has up debts since Lula was last in power, of a in 2014-2016 and . So, have since Putin in , ’s , the has room for .

Lula’s first task is to try to calm and unite the . He made a good start in his , to be the for all , not just those who voted for him. He may , , to the of who have been told, , that he will close their and . He has that his was down to a broad of ; he ought to in that .

His next step be to a . He that he will not , which he at the time and how he will pay for any big . If he is going to a cap on , in 2016 after the , he needs to that there will be a new rule to it. More is over how he will pay for green . He is help to curb in the , which has fast under Mr. .

Lula will have to find a way to work with , which is by . He make clear that the graft that under the rule of his ’ Party, seen most in the Lava Jato (Car Wash) , will not occur again. (Lula was for 19 on of ; his was in 2021 and he his .) He an from a list the ’s . , his be on the basis of merit, than .

The next few years will be tough. Lula does, is to a force in , just as is in the . Lula learn from the of his win, after to power with two in the early 2000s. He needs to forge among those he with. If he and , he has a to order and to .
