
The Chinese solar calendar divides the year into 24 solar terms. Grain in Ear, the 9th solar term, begins on June 6 this year and ends on June 20.


The of Grain in Ear the of crops such as and wheat. The are seven you need to know about Grain in Ear.


Grain in Ear. [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

An increase in rainfall 雨水增多


Rainfall increases during Grain in Ear. [Photo/Sipaphoto.com]

Grain in Ear to the eight solar terms. in the and lower of the River are about to enter the Plum Rains .


Plum Rains, often June and July, refer to the long of rainy or . This to be the time for plums to ripen, which the of its name. Plum Rains is a good for rice, and .


Pray for good harvest 祈求丰收

"An Miao" (meaning seedling protection) is a traditional farming activity of southern Anhui province that has been practiced since the early Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). [Photo/Sipaphoto.com]

"An Miao" ( ) is a of Anhui that has been since the early Ming (1368-1644). Every year when Grain in Ear comes, they hold the to pray for good in the fall. make types of bread from wheat flour and color them with juice. The bread is used as a to pray for a good and s .


Say to the flora 送别花神


Grain in Ear hold to bid to the flora and show their . [Photo/.com]

In China, on the day of the solar month, the of the . Grain in Ear hold to bid to the flora and show their .


Today, this does not exist in many areas of China. The and of the can still be seen in the 27th of the novel A Dream of Red by Cao .


Mud 打泥巴仗


Two baby play with mud. [Photo/.com]

of the Dong in hold mud Grain in Ear. On this day , by their good , plant rice . While , they throw mud at each other. At the end of this , has the most mud on them they are the most .


Boil green plums 煮青梅


Green plums a of and acids and are rich in .

In South China, May and June are the when plums ripe. There was an that Cao Cao and Liu Bei, two in the Three (), about while green plums.


Green plums a of and acids and are rich in . They can help clean blood, lower blood , and ones looks. , fresh plums are and need to be .


Have light food 轻食养生


Do not eat greasy or strongly flavored food during Grain in Ear.[Photo/Sipaphoto.com]

Do not eat greasy or strongly flavored food during Grain in Ear, thats the healthcare advice given more than a thousand years ago by Chinese pharmaceutical expert Sun Simiao of the Tang Dynasty (AD618-907).


, and that work in blood and blood fat be the first . this , are to less lamb, pork, hot , and if they are and tired.


Eat and with cool 吃凉性水果蔬菜

Eat and with cool . [Photo/.com]

The is hot the Grain in Ear , and of a cool are .


The pear is a . It a lot of and water. Its also said to have which are good for from high blood or high blood sugar.


Other , , , , , water melon and . to , they are all and can help heat in the body and .


(来源:中国日报网 编译:丹妮)

