Leonard Cohen超话,《Anthem》中寻找心灵的归宿

" Knows" by Cohen,每个人都知道。

knows that the dice are ,每个人都知道骰子被灌了铅。 rolls with their ,每个人都手指交叉祈求好运。 knows that the war is over,每个人都知道战争已经结束。

knows the good guys lost,每个人都知道善良的人惨败。 knows the fight was fixed,每个人都知道这场战斗已被操纵。The poor stay poor,the rich get rich,穷者愈穷,富者愈富。

Thats how it goes,世道就是这样。 knows,每个人都知道。 got this ,每个人都知道船长撒了谎。 knows,每个人都有这种心碎的感觉。

Leonard Cohen超话,《Anthem》中寻找心灵的归宿

Like their or their dog just died,就像他们的父亲或狗刚刚死去。 wants a box of ,每个人都有这种心碎的感觉。

Like their father or their dog just died,每个人都知道你一直很忠诚。

Leonard Cohen超话,《Anthem》中寻找心灵的归宿

knows that youve been ,每个人都知道你爱我、宝贝。


Give or take a night or two,除了一两个夜晚。

knows youve been ,每个人都知道你一直很谨慎。But there were so many you just had to meet,但是有很多人你必须。


knows, knows,每个人都知道,每个人都知道。Thats how it goes,世道就是这样。

Leonard Cohen超话,《Anthem》中寻找心灵的归宿

knows, knows,每个人都知道,每个人都知道,每个人都知道,世道就是这样。

knows,that you live ,每个人都知道机不可失,时不再来。

Leonard Cohen超话,《Anthem》中寻找心灵的归宿



When youve done a line or two,当你吸食粉末一两行。

knows the deal is ,每个人都知道这笔交易很糟糕。

Every body knows the deal is 。

Old Black Joes still ,黑人老乔还在摘棉花。为了织你的丝带和蝴蝶结,每个人都知道。 the 每个人都知道瘟疫即将来临,每个人都知道它来势汹汹。 that the naked man and woman每个人都知道裸体的男女。Are just a 并联 the past只是一件闪亮的对旧时光的人工仿制品。 the scene is dead每个人都知道如今已时过境迁。But theres gonna be a meter on your bed但在你的床上会有一把米尺。That will 它将揭露。What knows举世皆知的东西。 knows what youve been 每个人都知道你正身处困境。每个人都知道你经历了什么。From the cross on top of 从髑髅山顶的血腥十字架。To the beach of 到马里布海滩。 knows its apart每个人都知道它要崩溃。Take one last look at this Hear最后再看一眼这颗圣心。 it blows在它爆裂之前。And knows每个人都知道。 knows, knows每个人都知道,每个人都知道。Thats how it goes世道就是这样。 knows, knows每个人都知道。Thats how it goes世道就是这样。 knows, knows每个人都知道。

Leonard Cohen超话,《Anthem》中寻找心灵的归宿