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the of and the , I that here has at least a with Gaomi . You may have seen my , as well as my , my , my wife and my , even my , now a year and four old. But the who is most on my mind at this , my , is you will never see. Many have in the honor of this prize, but her.


My was born in 1922 and died in 1994. We her in a peach east of the . Last year we were to move her grave away from the in order to make room for a rail line. When we dug up the grave, we saw that the had away and that her body had with the damp earth it. So we dug up some of that soil, a act, and took it to the new . That was when I the that my had part of the earth, and that when I spoke to earth, I was to my .


I was my ’s child.


My was of our only to the for water. by , I the and broke it. , I hid all that day in a . , I heard my my name, so I out of my place, to a or a . But didn’t hit me, didn’t even scold me. She just my head and a sigh.


My most going out in the ’s field with to glean ears of wheat. The when they the . But , who had bound feet, could not run; she was and so hard by the , a hulk of a man, that she fell to the . The the wheat we’d and off . As she sat on the , her lip , wore a look of I’ll never . Years later, when I the , now a old man, in the , had to stop me from going up to her. “Son,” she said , “the man who hit me and this man are not the same .”


My is of a Moon day, at , one of those rare when we ate at home, one bowl . An aging came to our door while we were at the table, and when I tried to send him away with half a of dried sweet , he : “I’m an old man,” he said. “You are , but want to feed me sweet . How can you be?” I just as : “We’re lucky if we eat a of times a year, one small , to get a taste! You be we’re you sweet , and if you don’t want them, you can get the hell out of here!” After ( me down) me, her half of into the old man’s bowl.


My most sell at , and me an old one jiao – or not, I can’t – off to . When I came home that , I saw that was , she did. of me, she said , “Son, you your today.”


a lung when I was still in my teens. , , and too much work made hard on our . The road ahead bleak, and I had a bad about the , that might take her own life. Every day, the first thing I did when I in the door after a day of hard labor was call out for . her voice was like my heart a new lease on life. But not her threw me into a panic. I’d go for her in the side and in the mill. One day, after and not her, I sat down in the yard and cried like a baby. That is how she found me when she into the yard a of on her back. She was very with me, but I could not tell her what I was of. She knew . “Son,” she said, “don’t worry, there may be no joy in my life, but I won’t leave you till the God of the calls me.”


I was born ugly. often in my face, and beat me up of it. I’d run home , where my would say, “You’re not ugly, Son. You’ve got a nose and two eyes, and there’s wrong with your arms and legs, so how could you be ugly? If you have a good heart and do the right thing, what is ugly .” Later on, when I moved to the city, there were who at me my back, some even to my face; but when I what had said, I just my .


My held who could read in high . We were so poor we often did not know where our next meal was from, yet she never my to buy a book or to write with. By hard , she had no use for lazy , yet I could skip my as long as I had my nose in a book.


A once came to the , and I off to to him. She was with me for my . But that night, while she was for us under the weak light of a lamp, I ’t keep from I’d heard that day. She at first, since in her eyes were men in a . good ever came out of their . But she was into my , and from that day on, she never gave me on day, to go to the and to new . As for ’s and a way to my , I’d the for her in vivid .


It did not take long to find else’s , so I began my . I’d say I knew would , even the once in a while. And she wasn’t the only of my , which later my older , my aunts, even my . , after my had to one of my , she’d ask in a voice, as if to : “What will you be like when you grow up, son? Might you wind up for a one day?”


I knew why she was . kids are not well of in our , for they can bring to and to their . There is a bit of a young me in the boy who falls afoul of in my story “Bulls.” me not to talk so much, me to be a , and . I was of a – and the that went with them. My to tell her joy, but that a for her.


A goes “It is to the of a river than a ’s .” my ’ , my to talk never went away, and that is what makes my name – Mo Yan, or “don’t speak” – an of .


After out of , I was too small for heavy labor, so I a and on a . The sight of my in the when I drove my past the gate me and made me aware of how tough it is for – even a child – to leave the group.


I the loose on the to graze a sky as blue as the ocean and land as far as the eye could see – not in sight, no human , but bird calls above me. I was all by and ; my empty. I lay in the grass and float by, which gave rise to all sorts of . That part of the is known for its tales of foxes in the form of young women, and I would a girl to tend with me. She never did come. Once, , a fiery red fox out of the brush in front of me, my legs right out from under me. I was still there long after the fox had . I’d down the cows and gaze into their deep blue eyes, eyes that my . At times I’d have a with birds in the sky, their cries, while at other times I’d my hopes and to a tree. But the birds me, and so did the trees. Years later, after I’d a , I wrote some of those into my and . me with on my vivid , and of often ask me to my to a rich . My only is a wan smile.


Our Laozi said it best: “ on . is in .” I left as a child, often went , was , and had no books to read. But for those , like the of a , Shen , I had an early start on the great book of life. My of going to the to to a was but one page of that book.


After , I was into the world of , where I on the long of . Two years ago, one of the great of all time – Pu – lived near where I grew up, and where many , me , on the he had . I to be – the with the , in team or , on my ’ kang, even on and down the road, my ears with tales of the , , and and , all tied to the and clan , and all of which a in my mind.


Even in my , I could not have a day when all this would be the stuff of my own , for I was just a boy who loved , who was with the tales me were . Back then I was, a doubt, a , that all were with souls. I’d stop and pay my to a old tree; if I saw a bird, I was sure it could human any time it ; and I every I met of being a beast. At night, fears me on my way home after my work were , so I’d sing at the top of my lungs as I ran to build up a bit of . My voice, which was at the time, , songs that on the ears of any who heard me.


I spent my first years in that , never from home than to , by train, where I got lost amid the giant of wood in a mill. When my asked me what I’d seen in , I sadly that all I’d seen were of . But that trip to in me a to leave my and see the world.

1976 年2 月,我应征入伍,背着我母亲卖掉结婚时的首饰,帮我购买的四本《中国通史简编》,走出了高密东北乡这个既让我爱又让我恨的地方,开始了我人生的重要时期。我必须承认,如果没有30 多年来中国社会的巨大发展与进步,如果没有改革开放,也不会有我这样一个作家。

In 1976 I was into the army and out of the Gaomi I both loved and hated, a phase of my life, in my the Brief of had by her . Thus began the most of my life. I must admit that were it not for the years of and in , and the and of her doors to the , I would not be a today.


In the midst of life, I the and of the , and from a boy who to and them on by word of mouth into who with them down. It was a rocky road at first, a time when I had not yet how rich a of my two of life could be. I that was all about good doing good , of deeds and model , so that the few of mine that were had value.


In the fall of 1984 I was into the of the PLA Art , where, under the of my , the Xu , I wrote a of and , : “ ,” “Dry River,” “The ,” and “Red .” Gaomi made its first in “ ,” and from that on, like a who finds his own piece of land, this found a place he could call his own. I must say that in the of my , Gaomi , I was by the and the García Márquez. I had not read of them , but was by the bold, way they new in , and from them that a must have a place that to him alone. and are ideal in one’s daily life, but in , and the need to one’s own are . For two years I in the of these two that I had to their ; this is how I that in an essay: They were a pair of , I was a block of ice. If I got too close to them, I would into a cloud of steam. In my , one when they enjoy a , what is often to as “ in .” That why, I had read of their work, a few pages were for me to what they were doing and how they were doing it, which led to my of what I do and how I do it.


What I do was : Write my own in my own way. My way was that of the , with which I was so , the way my and my and other told . In all , I never gave a to when I was my ; my was made up of like my , and it was only me. The early were of my : the boy who a in “Dry River,” for , or the boy who never spoke in “The .” I had done bad to a from my , and I had the for a on a site. , be into as it , no how that might be. has to be , has to be . To many of my , “The ” is my very best story; I have no one way or the other. What I can say is, “The ” is more and more than any other story I’ve . That boy with the to and a of the soul of my . Not one of all the I’ve since then is as close to my soul as he is. Or put a way, among all the a , there is one that above all the . For me, that boy is the one. he says , he leads the way for all the , in all their , on the Gaomi stage.


A can only so much, and once you have your own , you must tell the of . And so, out of the of my , like , rose of , of , and of I of from the of . They for me to tell their . My and , my and , my and , my aunts and , my wife and my have all in my . Even of Gaomi have made cameo . Of they have to them into .


An aunt of mine is the of my novel, Frogs. The of the Nobel Prize sent to her home with . At first, she was , but she soon had to their by to her son’s home in the . I don’t deny that she was my model in Frogs, but the her and the aunt are . The aunt is and , in , while my real aunt is kind and , the wife and . My real aunt’s years have been happy and ; her in her late years as a of , and walks the like a , a dark robe. I am to my real aunt for not being angry with me for how I her in the novel. I also her in the and real .

母亲去世后,我悲痛万分,决定写一部书献给她。这就是那本《丰乳肥臀》。因为胸有成竹,因为情感充盈,仅用了83 天,我便写出了这部长达50 万字的小说的初稿。

After my died, in the midst of grief, I to write a novel for her. Big and Wide Hips is that novel. Once my plan took shape, I was with such that I a draft of half a words in only days.


In Big and Wide Hips I used with my ’s , but the ’s state is a total or a of many of Gaomi ’s . I wrote “To the of my ” on the page, the novel was for all , , , of my , in much the same way as I hope to make tiny Gaomi a of China, even of the whole world.


The of is to every . Each of my from the in terms of plot and . Some, such as “The ,” were born in , while , like The have their in . the of a work is a dream or real life, only if it is with can it be with , be with by , , and boast a well . Here I must point out that in The I a and in one of the novel’s most roles. I wish I hadn’t used his real name, his words and were made up. This is a with me. I’ll start out using ’ real names in order to a sense of , and after the work is , it will seem too late to those names. This has led to who see their names in my going to my to vent their . He in my place, but then urges them not to take such so . He’ll say: “The first in Red , ‘My , a ’s ,’ didn’t upset me, so why you be ?”


My come with that deal with , such as The , not I’m of being of the of , but and anger allow to and a novel into of a event. As a of , a is to his own and ; but when he is he must take a , and write . Only then can not just in , but them, not just show for but be than .


I’ve lived so much of my life in , I think I have a more of life. I know what real is, and I true . I know that in the and minds of every , that be in terms of right and wrong or good and bad, and this vast is where a gives free rein to his . So long as the work and this , , it will and be with .


on and on about my own work must be , but my life and works are , so if I don’t talk about my work, I don’t know what else to say. I hope you are in a mood.


I was a who hid in the of his early work; but with the novel Death I out of the . My early work can be as a of , with no in mind; with this novel, , I in a my story to a crowd of . This is a in , but is so in China. At one time, I was a of , and I with all sorts of . But in the end I came back to my . To be sure, this was not its . Death and the that are of the novel but by . What is known as is, for the most part, a of this , which is not to with , but can with art from other . Death, for , mixes with local opera, while some of my early work was by fine art, music, even .


, I ask your to talk about my novel Life and Death Are Me Out. The title comes from , and I’ve been told that my have had fits to it into their . I am not well in and have but a of the . I chose this title I that the basic of the faith , and that ’s many are in the realm. In that lofty view of the , the world of man is to be . My novel is not a tract; in it I wrote of man’s fate and human , of man’s and human , and of ’s for and the to which they will go, the they will make, to their . Lan Lian, a who takes a stand , is, in my view, a true hero. A in a was the model for this . As a I often saw him pass by our door a , cart, with a lame up front, led by his wife. Given the of back then, this labor group a sight that kept them out of step with the times. In the eyes of us , they were , in us such that we threw at them as they us on the . Years later, after I had begun , that and the he into my mind, and I knew that one day I would write a novel about him, that or later I would tell his story to the world. But it wasn’t until the year 2005, when I the mural “The Six of ” on a wall that I knew how to go about his story.


The of my Nobel Prize has led to . At first I I was the of the , but over time I’ve come to that the real was a who had to do with me. Like a play in a , I the me. I saw the of the prize both with and by and . I was he would to the , but he from the of and the , a smile on his face; he wiped away mud and grime, stood off to the side, and said to the crowd:


For a , the best way to speak is by . You will find I need to say in my works. is off by the wind; the word can never be . I would like you to find the to read my books. I force you to do that, and even if you do, I do not your of me to . No has yet , in the world, who is liked by all his ; that is true times like these.


Even I would to say , since it is I must do on this , let me just say this:


I am a storyteller, so I am going to tell you some stories.


When I was a in the 1960s, my a field trip to an of , where, under the of our , we cried tears. I let my tears stay on my for the of our , and as some of my spat in their hands and it on their faces as tears. I saw one among all those – some real, some phony – whose face was dry and who his face with his hands. He just at us, eyes wide open in an of or . After the visit I him to the , and he was given a .


Years later, when I my over on the boy, the said that at least ten had done what I did. The boy had died a or more , and my was when I of him. But I from this , and that is: When you is , you to be not to cry, and when the tears are all for show, your right not to cry is still.


Here is story: More than years ago, when I was in the army, I was in my one when an the door and came in. He down at the seat in front of me and , “Hm, where is ?” I stood up and said in a loud voice, “Are you I’m no one?” The old ’s ears red from , and he out. For a long time after that I was proud about what I a gutsy . Years later, that pride to of .


Bear with me, , for one last story, one my told me many years ago: A group of eight took from a storm in a . , their way. They even heard what like . The men were , their faces ashen. “Among the eight of us,” one of them said, “is who must have the with a deed. The ought to to step to his and spare the from . , there were no . So one of the came up with a : Since no one is to go , let’s all fling our straw hats the door. ’s hat flies out the door is the party, and we’ll ask him to go out and his .”


So they flung their hats the door. Seven hats were blown back ; one went out the door. They the man to go out and his , and when he , they him up and flung him out the door. I’ll bet you all know how the story ends: They had no flung him out the door than the them.


I am a storyteller.


Telling stories earned me the Nobel Prize for Literature.
