
短文Love是由Jesse Stuart所写,译文是本人在多年前翻译并发表在一英语期刊上的。

, when the sun down on the (枯萎的) corn, my and I the edge of the new to plan a fence. The cows kept the oaks(板栗橡树) on the cliff and over the young corn. They bit off the tips of the corn and down(践踏) the (残株).



My in the (玉米田埂). Bob, our (大牧羊犬), in front of my . We heard a (黄鼠) down over the bluff(悬崖) among the dead at the s edge.“ Whoop(呵), take him, Bob", said my . He up a young stalk of corn, with dried roots, where the had dug it up for the sweet grain of corn left on its roots. This has been a dry and the corn has kept well in the earth where the grain has love this corn. (发芽). The love this corn. They dig up rows of it and eat the sweet . The young corn are and we have to the corn.



I can see my keep (嗾使(狗去咬、攻击)) Bob after the . He over the corn rows. He to run the . I, too, the s edge where Bob was and .The dust flew in tiny (旋涡) our feet. There was a cloud of dust us.


“Its a big bull blacksnake(雄性黑蛇),” said my father. “Kill him, Bob! Kill him, Bob! ”

