《中国推介》,涞源县京雄邻里 绮丽风光画卷展

《中国推介》,涞源县京雄邻里 绮丽风光画卷展











The best to the west of , and the most town in Hebei. Hello, . I am Wang Yan, the of of City, Hebei . In this , I’d like to you to with me the and which is and Xiong’an.

is to the of City of Hebei , by the north end of grand , on the Hebei and , and also its with three : , , and . Since time, it has been a to China, a to the , and a right hand to the of the .

The most part of is the cool of 21℃. The here is 1000 . , Yan , and Heng are to each other with peaks and in green. Here is the of three , Juma River, River and River, with seven , being for ion of 20000 per cubic . It is a place where you can feel free to . The in is only 21.7℃, known as “ and Cool Town to the West of ”, its , and and views of and with cool .

The most part of is the big lake in the . The , a world park and 5A , also known as “Head to the ”, is in the south of the . With views of peak , , lofty cliff, , , and thick , etc., it also the only peak in China. By this , you can feel the of all Five Great of China. The Juma River, from of the , is the only river in north China . As you with the river, you will reach the Lake where green , fish and birds can be found. The , the river, and the each other in and , the with their and vivid charm.

The most part of is the . “ the Feihu Town be in the snowy night, the army shall be with a grand .” In the poem A Song in Slow Time by the poet Lu You in Song , the “Feihu Town” to . Right here, you can visit , the most civil from Liao , and knock the only big bell in China, which has clear year mark from Liao . You can visit the 122.5km of Great Wall from Ming to feel the . You can visit the forty miles Feihu path which was the of the from Yang the Liao Army from north, and also the of on the Silk Road. is the first by the PLA in their in the area. In the of , the “ ” Abe was . The small of where Dr. did to of Route Army has been well . The story of youth Wang has been for . We have been to the and the .

The most part of is the level and . It has the worlds ski and the most wind , and has the ski in . Right here, you can feel the of speed on snow and ice. You can also enjoy warm and cozy time with hot in the Hot . With the and of China Snow of Sport in the , will also a world’s first rate base for snow .

The most part of is the in the of one’s heart. is on the 39 north which is the “ ” for and . The such as “Fine in China” and “Pilot Base of in China”. All sorts of food such as proso cake, sour bean curd, red trout, naked oats rolls, and with meat bring taste and to your . On the theme of “ Deep in ”, there have been 16 with title of Level in , and more than 2000 rated as , the new of image and charm for each .

Dear , as it is said that “Read to your , and afar to gain your ”, is your . We you to enjoy the tour , to the and . All are to the of “”! It is so close, and it is so , to enjoy your in Hebei!

I am Wang Yan. I’ll be for you in !
